[OldNorth] SPAM

angela awillson at pacbell.net
Tue Jun 3 07:51:37 PDT 2003

OK Andy sorry meant to send to all. Anyway... we can
delete spam easier than Andy can do whatever.. so
until it gets really bad, lets just keep it as is.  If
anyone went to either the Co-op or the city zoning
meetings last night, could you please share what

--- "Andrew P. Wallace" <ap_wallace at yahoo.com> wrote:
> All,
> There has been an increasing number of SPAM emails
> to the the Old North
> Davis mailing list.  There are various things I can
> do to cut down on these.
> However, I'm hoping not to as the current settings
> make list management
> easier.
> In the event that SPAM becomes excessive over the
> coming weeks/months, I
> will change various properties of the email list to
> reduce the potential for
> Best Regards,
> Andy Wallace
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> oldnorth mailing list
> oldnorth at mailman.dcn.org
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