[env-trinity] 2022/23 CDFW Trinity River Project trapping summary through Julian week 41 (October 14)

Kier, Mary Claire@Wildlife MaryClaire.Kier at wildlife.ca.gov
Sun Oct 16 17:03:13 PDT 2022

Attached please find the TRP trapping summary through JW 41 (Oct 14).
Trinity River Hatchery was in its spawning break (so no trapping) during JW41, but this summary includes the JW 40 totals there.
Junction City weir and Willow Creek weir were both operating throughout JW 41.

I’ve yet to include 2021 historical numbers for WCW or TRH, I will make sure to do that before next week.
New recipients, check out the first tab (info page) for what this summary is, and isn’t.
Please send me any questions you might have.
For those of you fishing, I am attaching a tag return form for you lucky harvesters. Please be sure to get your tag returns in early (and often) 😉
Thanks so much.

Mary Claire Kier
CA Department of Fish and Wildlife - Trinity River Project
Environmental Scientist – Fisheries
(I’m often teleworking, or in the field. Please use my email address if you need to contact me.)
5341 Ericson Way, Arcata CA 95521
Klamath/Trinity Program reports can be found online @
If you’d like to be added to the distribution list of the Trinity River Project’s trapping summaries let me know.

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