[env-trinity] 2021/22 Trinity River Project trapping summary through Julian week 43

Kier, Mary Claire@Wildlife MaryClaire.Kier at wildlife.ca.gov
Mon Nov 1 07:59:27 PDT 2021

Attached please find the TRP trapping summary through JW 43 (Oct 28).

There are only updates on the Trinity River Hatchery and Junction City weir this time around, and that is how it will be until each of those respective trap sites are done for the season. Willow Creek weir, unfortunately, did "blow out" during the high flows post-atmospheric river, on Saturday evening, but held pretty well until then. We have recovered many of the parts, but if any of you river users find something (like EMT/conduit, or trap parts), please let me know as we haven't found everything quite yet. We won't be trapping any longer at WCW this season.


Mary Claire Kier
CA Department of Fish and Wildlife - Trinity River Project
Environmental Scientist - Fisheries
(I'm currently teleworking, or in the field. Please use my email address if you need to contact me.)
5341 Ericson Way, Arcata CA 95521
Klamath/Trinity Program reports can be found online @
If you'd like to be added to the distribution list of the Trinity River Project's trapping summaries let me know.

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