[env-trinity] Agenda for Special TMC meeting this Friday Nov 15 (tomorrow)

Tom Stokely tstokely at att.net
Thu Nov 14 09:42:27 PST 2019

The TMC has decided that the "Refinements" meetings will be held as Special TMC meetings. There will be a meeting this Friday (tomorrow) in Redding which will be open to the public until the afternoon. In the morning they will be reviewing and possibly approving language regarding a program purpose and goal.   They will hold a  executive session during the afternoon in order to refine specific language of a draft contract for a "Refinements Coordinator". 

See http://www.trrp.net/calendar/event/?id=11654  
Event Details

Trinity Management Council (TMC)

Special TMC Meeting: TRRP Refinements

2019-11-15 09:00:00

Description: Special TMC Meeting: TRRP Refinements 

Location: Shasta-Trinity National Forest Headquarters 3644 Avtech Pkwy, Redding, CA 96002, USA
Point of Contact: Kevin Held, kheld at usbr.gov, 530-623-1800


Refinements Meeting 

November 15, 2019 

Location: Shasta-Trinity National Forest Office 

3644 Avtech Pkwy, Redding, CA 96002 


Time Discussion Leader 

8:00 Gather and Refreshments 

8:30 Welcome and Introductions Justin Ly, Chair 

8:40 Ground Rules, Agenda Review, and Desired Outcomes Justin Ly 

9:00 Refine Purpose, Goals, and Objectives* Chad Smith 

10:00 Break 

10:15 Refine Purpose, Goals, and Objectives * Chad Smith 

11:45 Public Forum Justin Ly 

12:00 Lunch 

12:45 Tribal Perspectives on Whether They’re Getting What They’d HVT and Yurok 

Asked for in the Refinements 

1:05 Finalize Scope of Work for Refinements Coordinator Mike Dixon, ED 

***Executive Session*** 

1:45 Break 

2:00 Finalize Scope of Work for Refinements Coordinator Mike Dixon 

***Executive Session*** 

2:50 Program Updates Mike Dixon 

3:00 Adjourn 

*We’ll get as far as the group can accomplish and continue this effort at subsequent meeting(s), as needed or desired. 

WebEx: https://trrp.webex.com/trrp/j.php?MTID=md96e8ef4d6881600afe3cff9ce8f8a18 

Meeting number: 804 168 087 Password: QbeaiYB6 
Conference line: 1-408-792-6300 Access code: 804 168 087

  The TMC has decided that, to promote transparency, the "Refinements" meetings will be held as Special TMC meetings. There will be a meeting this Friday in Redding which will be open to the public until the afternoon. In the morning they will be reviewing and possibly approving language regarding a program purpose and goal; we will move into executive session during the afternoon in order to refine specific language of a draft contract for a "Refinements Coordinator". 
Please circulate the link to the agenda to those who you think may be interested: http://www.trrp.net/calendar/event/?id=11654  

MikeDixon, PhD | Executive Director | Trinity River Restoration Program | U. S. Bureau of Reclamation | 1313 S. Main St., Weaverville, CA 96093 | 530-623-1811 (desk) | 530-351-4760 (mobile) | mdixon at usbr.gov 

“The most dangerous worldview is the worldview of those who have not viewed the world.” - Alexander von Humboldt

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