[env-trinity] Appetite for California almonds still growing, but farmers feel squeeze from new water rules

emelia berol emeliabee at yahoo.com.sg
Mon Aug 5 03:28:33 PDT 2019

It would make more sense to stop the dairy  farming down in the southern Valley, and let the orchards thrive. Dairies are a much more egregious waste of limited water resources. Dairy farms belong in regions with wetter climates, not in semi-desert. That’s the real water hog we need to be talking about. Wisconsin, coastal Northern California, lots of other places are far more suitable for the dairy industry. 
Dairy products and nuts are both important food items in my life, so I am not speaking from any personal food bias. Dairy cows need green grass and tons of water.  It’s just not sustainable or sensible to be dairy farming down south. 

Emelia Berol
McKinleyville, CA

> On Aug 4, 2019, at 9:33 AM, Tom Stokely <tstokely at att.net> wrote:
> Valley

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