[env-trinity] Fwd: MP-18-119: MEDIA ADVISORY - Trinity River and Lewiston Lake water levels could fluctuate rapidly due to Carr Fire

Huntt DeCarlo, Caryn chunttdecarlo at usbr.gov
Sat Jul 28 19:39:32 PDT 2018

[image: Reclamation News Release Header]

*Mid-Pacific Region Sacramento, Calif.*


Media Contact: Erin Curtis, 916-204-2348, eccurtis at usbr.gov

For Immediate Release: July 28, 2018


*Trinity River and Lewiston Reservoir water levels could fluctuate due to
Carr Fire emergency operations at Trinity Power Plant*

REDDING, Calif. – Reclamation is alerting the public that water levels in
Lewiston Reservoir and in Trinity River could fluctuate this evening due to
emergency water releases associated with the Carr Fire.

Take precautions if you are on or near the reservoir or the river.

Lewiston releases to the Trinity River are immediately increasing by 500
cubic feet per second – from 750 cfs to 1,250 cfs total.

The Trinity Power Plant is being impacted due to fire activity. It is still
generating power, but the situation could change.

# # #

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Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region 2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento, CA
95825 United States
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