[env-trinity] Fw: Lower Canyon Test Pit Project Scoping Letter - Trinity River

Tom Stokely tstokely at att.net
Fri May 18 08:03:53 PDT 2018

On Friday, May 18, 2018 7:17 AM, "Held, Kevin" <kheld at usbr.gov> wrote:

 Dear Interested Party: 
Please find the attached scoping letter for the proposed Lower Canyon Test Pit project, a collaboration between the Trinity River Restoration Program (TRRP) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Forest Service, Shasta-Trinity National Forest. 
In anticipation of three upcoming river restoration projects upstream of the Junction City, California area, test pits are proposed to be dug within the proposed Chapman Ranch, Evan's Bar, and Dutch Creek channel rehabilitation areas. Test pits are dug on the Trinity River floodplain in order to determine the underlying geology and groundwater flow.
More information on the proposed test pit project, locations, and instructions for submitting comments can be found in the attachment (Lower Canyon Test Pit Scoping Letter.pdf). 
You are encouraged to submit project-specific written comments related to the proposal during the scoping period. Comments received by June 1, 2018 will be fully considered and are most useful in helping agencies evaluate the proposal. 
If you have questions about this proposal or need additional information, please contact Chris Losi, Shasta -Trinity National Forest Environmental Coordinator, at 530-226-2425 or at christopherjlosi at fs.fed.us. 
If you have general questions regarding the work of the TRRP, please contact me at 530-623-1809 or at kheld at usbr.gov.
Kevin Held  Project Coordination Specialist| Trinity River Restoration Program | U.S. Bureau of Reclamation | 1313 S. Main St., Weaverville, CA| 530.623.1809| kheld at usbr.gov

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