Tom Stokely tstokely at att.net
Wed May 9 11:05:26 PDT 2018

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| About the CoalitionThe Coalition for a Sustainable Delta is a not-for-profit organization comprised of water users who depend on the Delta for conveyance of a large portion of their water supplies and individuals who utilize the Delta for aesthetic and recreational enjoyment. Coalition efforts are dedicated to creating a healthy Delta ecosystem by working towards a comprehensive solution to the many factors or “stressors” affecting the estuary. |

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| FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                  Contact: Maddie Dunlap
May 7, 2017                                  916.219.4878 or 916.441.4383JASON PELTIER TO LEAD NEW CHAPTER IN COALITION’S EFFORTSSACRAMENTO, CALIF. – Today the Coalition for a Sustainable Delta (CSD) announced the appointment of Jason Peltier as its new Executive Director, bringing enhanced leadership and tremendous experience as the Coalition expands its role in addressing and acting upon California water management, ecosystem improvement and the myriad of Bay-Delta issues.The Coalition has long been an effective voice in Delta issues and a leader in addressing key Delta stressors such as harmful ammonia discharges and predation by non-native species. The Coalition continues to confront a system of policies and regulations that have failed to improve our fisheries, while certainly harming the social and economic fabric of California“We are very excited to have someone with Jason’s experience leading our renewed and expanded efforts on California’s most challenging water issues,” said Bill Phillimore, Coalition for a Sustainable Delta President. “His leadership, knowledge and relationships will be an asset to these critical efforts.”A resident of the Delta, Peltier brings a lifetime of work in water management and an intimate understanding of Delta issues that will allow the organization to evolve and expand efforts in the region. Most recently, Peltier served as the Executive Director of the San Luis & Delta Mendota Water Authority and the Deputy General Manager of Westlands Water District prior to that. He also served for six years as the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Water and Science at the Department of the Interior in Washington D.C. as part of the management team responsible for the Bureau of Reclamation and the U.S. Geological Survey. Peltier was raised on a diversified farm in Kern County, he received his Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from Chico State and is a graduate of the California Agricultural Leadership program.Peltier’s background uniquely qualifies him to position CSD as a leader in an evolving era of increased collaboration. CSD will remain focused on the many Delta stressors that continue to plague the region, while working to increase cooperation between water users, NGOs and government stakeholders. In addition, the Coalition will work to promote and implement projects that will make a difference in Delta ecosystems that benefit fisheries and water users.“For generations, competing interests have been battling in the Delta while the status quo continues to deteriorate for all,” said Peltier. “We have recently seen in our collaborative science efforts that government, NGOs and water agencies can work together constructively.  That collaboration can be expanded to expediting actions to solve fishery and water problems.  I’m looking forward to a new opportunity to help solve an old set of challenges.  Peltier will be based in Sacramento.The Coalition for a Sustainable Delta is a not-for-profit organization formed by water users who care about the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Our members, like most Californians, rely on the Delta for their water supplies and for the many benefits the Delta provides our state. The Coalition is dedicated to creating a healthy Delta ecosystem by easing or resolving the many stressors affecting this unique and essential estuary. The health of the Delta and its ability to function as a reliable water conveyance hub are intertwined and can only be sustained through constructive efforts to fix what ails the estuary.###Jason Peltier can be reached at:
Coalition for a Sustainable Delta
925 L Street, Suite 800
Sacramento, California 95814
Office:  916 441-7685
Cell:  559 994-2255
Email:  jpeltier at sustainabledelta.com |



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