[env-trinity] Trinity River trapping summary through Julian Week 47 (November 25)

Kier, Mary Claire@Wildlife MaryClaire.Kier at wildlife.ca.gov
Wed Nov 29 13:32:07 PST 2017

GAH! Darned typos.
I meant, of course, combined JWs 46 and 47 update.

From: Kier, Mary Claire at Wildlife
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2017 1:29 PM
To: Sinnen, Wade at Wildlife <Wade.Sinnen at wildlife.ca.gov>
Subject: Trinity River trapping summary through Julian Week 47 (November 25)

Attached please find the TRP trapping summary through JW 47 (yes, this is a combo, 46 and 46 update).

Hatchery personnel are plugging along on recovery of tagged fish/returns/spawning at Trinity River Hatchery, and there still seem to be fish in the river (from what I can tell by the tags that are being returned). We hope to get some more Coho back to the hatchery before the returns peter out completely in the next couple of weeks ...then I hope to see a couple of solid weeks (or months) of steelhead showing in numbers...

Mary Claire Kier
CA Department of Fish and Wildlife - Trinity River Project
Environmental Scientist - Fisheries
5341 Ericson Way, Arcata CA 95521
Klamath/Trinity Program reports can be found online @

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