[env-trinity] Trinity River trapping summary through Julian Week 44 (November 4)

Kier, Mary Claire@Wildlife MaryClaire.Kier at wildlife.ca.gov
Tue Nov 7 13:49:59 PST 2017

Attached please find the TRP trapping summary through JW 44.

So, hey, folks, I've gotten a couple of calls/emails about confusion when reading the Historic tabs on the excel. I just want to clarify that those numbers on the historical tabs are CUMULATIVE, so for each week the number shown is for that species up through that Julian week, for any given year. For instance, on Historical Junction City tab, looking at trapping year 2004, in Julian week 29, 151 Chinook were trapped, then in Julian week 30 another 84 fish were trapped, bringing the total trapped through Julian week 30, to 235. Maybe before next year we'll put another set of tabs on this thing with week by week historic rather than cumulative historic...seems like some of you would like to see the information presented that way too.

Rain last weekend. No big rise in the river, and not even a bump in steelhead numbers (maybe they swam by us over the weekend when we weren't trapping). We are expecting more rain for the rest of the week, and we are going to pull conduit (not trap) at Willow Creek. If the weather settles out and the river comes back down where we can trap again we will, but this may be it for the season. Stay tuned? Either way we'll still be trapping at Trinity River Hatchery, so, though they are likely to get a little backed up on the data in the next couple of weeks, we'll get new summaries out to you just as quickly as we can.
Get out there and go fishing, and remember to send in those tags, rewards or not!

Mary Claire Kier
CA Department of Fish and Wildlife - Trinity River Project
Environmental Scientist - Fisheries
5341 Ericson Way, Arcata CA 95521
Klamath/Trinity Program reports can be found online @

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