[env-trinity] TRRP Open House

Tom Stokely tstokely at att.net
Tue Jul 11 16:37:38 PDT 2017

Trinity River Restoration Program Public Open House 

(WEAVERVILLE, CA) – The Trinity River Restoration Program(TRRP) will be hosting a public Open House on Monday, July 17, 2017 to shareinformation and answer questions about the Program and its efforts to restorethe Trinity River. The Open House will take place at the TRRP Office, 1313South Main Street, Weaverville, CA. Members of the public are welcome andencouraged to drop in any time between 5:00 to 7:30 p.m.  

A video of the Program background and objectives will bepresented.  Staff from the variousPartners of the TRRP will including biologists, hydrologists, and physicalscientists will be available to answer questions and discuss the riverrestoration strategies. 

Topics of special interest will includechannel rehabilitation projects, restoration flow releases, and Trinity Riverfish escapement trends/and the evolution of channel rehabilitation sitedesigns. There will be displays presenting photographs from previous projectsites, maps for the summer 2017 channel rehabilitation at Deep Gulch-SheridanCreek site, and information on future channel rehabilitation projects.  

Art submitted by local students in the Trinity Riverwatershed area for the 2017 Trinity River art contest will be on display.Attendees at the Open House can enter to win t-shirts with the winning artentry and other items. 

All local residents are encouraged to attend the Open House includingthose who live near the Trinity River, use the Trinity River and Trinity Lakefor recreation and any who are interested in more information on the Program.Light refreshments will be served. 

If you have questions or desire moreinformation, contact Kevin Held at (530) 623-1809, email at kheld at usbr.gov, or visit the Trinity River Restoration Program office at1313 South Main Street, Weaverville.

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