[env-trinity] TRRP Channel Rehabilitation Site: Deep Gulch and Sheridan Creek (River Mile 81.6 - 82.9) - Environmental document available

Gutermuth, F. bgutermuth at usbr.gov
Tue May 30 11:03:45 PDT 2017

Dear Trinity River Restoration Program followers-

The Public Draft Environmental Assessment/ Initial Study (EA/IS) for the
Trinity River Channel Rehabilitation Site: Deep Gulch and Sheridan Creek
(River Mile 81.6 - 82.9) "Project" has been updated based on public

The EA/IS and signed Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) is posted on
the TRRP website at:
http://www.trrp.net/2017-deep-gulch-and-sheridan-creek/ and on
Reclamation's Mid-Pacific Region National Environmental Policy Act website
at: https://www.usbr.gov/mp/nepa/nepa_projdetails.cfm?Project_ID=27594

Reclamation's website has the document chapters and appendices (e.g., Chap
2 = Project Description, Chap 3 = the Affected Environment) split into
smaller files (< 8 MB) while the TRRP website has the entire document as
one large file for download. Detailed response to public comments and
changes to the EA/IS which have resulted from the response to comment are
located in Appendix B.

The Project lead agencies (federal co-leads: the Bureau of Land Management
and Bureau of Reclamation) and state lead (the North Coast Regional Water
Quality Control Board) plan to start project construction in summer 2017.
An on-site meeting prior to construction will be planned in June.

Best Regards -


PS - Sorry for dual notifications

Brandt Gutermuth
Environmental Scientist
Trinity River Restoration Program
530.623.1806 work
530.739.2802 cell
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