[env-trinity] Fwd: New Press Release: Reclamation to Release Additional Water from Trinity Reservoir to Supplement Flows in the Lower Klamath River
Gutermuth, F.
bgutermuth at usbr.gov
Tue Sep 8 08:01:35 PDT 2015
Dear River users-
A preventative pulse flow of 3,300 cfs is set to start this evening from
Lewiston dam for a 24 hour period. The flows are meant to protect salmon in
the Lower Klamath River. Attached is Reclamation's press release. I will
pass on any additional information as I am aware of it.
Best Regards-
Brandt Gutermuth
Environmental Scientist
Trinity River Restoration Program
PO Box 1300, 1313 S. Main ST.
Weaverville CA 96093
530.623.1806 Voice
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ponce, Fernando <fponce at usbr.gov>
Date: Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 5:19 PM
Subject: New Press Release: Reclamation to Release Additional Water from
Trinity Reservoir to Supplement Flows in the Lower Klamath River
To: BOR MP All Mid-Pacific Employees <IBR2MPDALLMidPacificEmployees at usbr.gov
The attached news release, "Reclamation to Release Additional Water from
Trinity Reservoir to Supplement Flows in the Lower Klamath River," was
released today, Sept. 7, 2015.
[image: Reclamation News Release Header]
*Mid-Pacific Region Sacramento, Calif.*
Media Contact: Shane Hunt, 916-978-5100, SHunt at usbr.gov
For Release On: Sept. 7, 2015
*Reclamation to Release Additional Water from Trinity Reservoir to
Supplement Flows in the Lower Klamath River*
*REDDING, Calif. – *The Bureau of Reclamation will provide a one-day pulse
flow from Lewiston Dam to help protect returning adult fall-run Chinook
salmon in the lower Klamath River as identified in the Final Environmental
Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for this project which are
available at
In addition to the current supplemental flows being released out of
Lewiston Dam to protect salmon, the one-day pulse flow is scheduled to
commence on Tuesday evening, September 8, as a secondary preventative
measure. The pulse flow will be implemented because of the continued
presence of low-level infections of adult salmon by Ich, the disease
thought primarily responsible for the fish die-off in 2002.
The flow from Lewiston Dam will increase from the current rate of 1,100
cubic feet per second and would peak at approximately 3,300 cfs for one
day; it would then begin ramping down until reaching approximately 1,100
cfs the following day.
The public is urged to take all necessary precautions on or near the river
while flows are high.
If you encounter problems accessing the documents online, please call
916-978-5100 or email mppublicaffairs at usbr.gov.
# # #
Reclamation is the largest wholesale water supplier and the second largest
producer of hydroelectric power in the United States, with operations and
facilities in the 17 Western States. Its facilities also provide
substantial flood control, recreation, and fish and wildlife benefits.
Visit our website at http://www.usbr.gov.
Fernando Ponce
Public Affairs Specialist
Bureau of Reclamation
2800 Cottage Way, MP-140
Sacramento, CA 95825
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