[env-trinity] Lower Dutch Creek project scoping notice -

Gutermuth, F. bgutermuth at usbr.gov
Thu Jun 18 17:52:56 PDT 2015

Dear Trinity River enthusiasts -

The U.S. Forest Service, in partnership with Reclamation and the Trinity
River Restoration Program (TRRP), has re-scoped a smaller river restoration
project at the Dutch Creek location. This re-scoping is in response to
public comments on scoping of a larger Dutch Creek project in November 2014
and to internal review by TRRP designers.

The new US Forest Service scoping notice (as well as the November 2014
notice) are available for review at: :

The US Forest Service announcement email for the Lower Dutch Creek project
is in italics below:

*Dear Interested Parties:*

*The Dutch Creek Channel Rehabilitation Project was originally scoped in
November of 2014. That project has been divided into two smaller projects,
the Lower Dutch Creek Channel Rehabilitation Project and the Upper Dutch
Creek Channel Rehabilitation Project.*

*The attached scoping letter (Now located
at: http://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=45449
<http://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=45449> ) addresses the Lower Dutch
Creek Channel Rehabilitation Project. The Upper Dutch Creek Channel
Rehabilitation Project will be scoped separately at a later date.*

*We appreciate your interest in the management of public lands. To ensure
your comments can be fully considered by the interdisciplinary team and
Responsible Official, please respond by close of business on July 1, 2015.
Please contact Christopher Losi, at (530) 226-2425, if you would like any
additional information about this project.*

*If you previously commented on the Dutch Creek Channel Rehabilitation
Project, there is no need to resubmit your comments. Comments received
during the scoping period for that project will be applied to the revised
Lower Dutch Creek Channel Rehabilitation Project.*

Best Regards-

Brandt Gutermuth

Brandt Gutermuth
Environmental Scientist
Trinity River Restoration Program
PO Box 1300, 1313 S. Main ST.
Weaverville CA 96093
530.623.1806 Voice
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