[env-trinity] Fw: NEPA for Long-Term Plan for Protecting Late Summer Adult Salmon in the Lower Klamath River

Tom Stokely tstokely at att.net
Mon Apr 20 14:22:25 PDT 2015

On Friday, April 17, 2015 11:13 AM, "Murillo, David" <dmurillo at usbr.gov> wrote:


 ​​To All,

Reclamation will begin the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review process to evaluate the environmental effects of implementing a Long-Term Plan for Protecting Late Summer Adult Salmon in the Lower Klamath River (Plan). As part of this review, Reclamation is making the draft Plan available to the public on April 17, 2015.  The environmental review will include assessing impacts to water supply and power generation, fisheries, tribal trust resources, including tribal trust fisheries, and other resources. The draft Plan can be accessed here​:​http://www.usbr.gov/mp/kbao/lt-plan.html​.​
An initial draft of this plan was distributed to stakeholders in late December and Reclamation received several comments.  These comments were considered in revisions to the current draft Plan.

As Reclamation initiates the NEPA process, it is expected that a notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Plan will be filed with the Federal Register in the near future. Stakeholder coordination and public scoping sessions are anticipated later this summer. Scoping meetings and public review will provide continued opportunity for involvement by the stakeholders and public consistent with NEPA guidelines. It is anticipated at this point that a Record of Decision will be signed prior to any need for a flow augmentation action in 2016.  In recognition that the EIS will not be completed prior to any augmentation flows needed in 2015, Reclamation will also pursue a separate environmental review for the 2015 action.

Central Valley Project water service contracts include a provision in Article 19 requiring that the contracting officer communicate, coordinate, and cooperate regarding actions “which will or may materially affect the quantity or quality of Project Water Supply, and Project financial matters including, but not limited to, budget issues.” and other related requirements.  This communication, along with a link to the draft Plan, fulfills, in part, this requirement. Further communication will be forthcoming as the NEPA review commences.

Since the significant die-off of adult salmon returning to the lower Klamath River in 2002, Reclamation has been consulting with tribes and other partners to implement protective actions to help prevent a recurrence. While other means have been researched and considered, the primary protective action thus far has been the release of additional water from Trinity Reservoir to augment flows in the lower Klamath River during the adult return period, generally extending from mid-August through late September.


David G. Murillo
Bureau Of Reclamation
Mid Pacific Regional Director
Office  # 916-978-5000

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