[env-trinity] USGS: Endangered Salmon Population Monitored with eDNA for First Time

Sari Sommarstrom sari at sisqtel.net
Thu Jan 8 10:06:54 PST 2015

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News Release


January 5, 2015 

Susan Kemp 


 <mailto:skemp at usgs.gov> skemp at usgs.gov 

Paul Laustsen 


 <mailto:plaustsen at usgs.gov> plaustsen at usgs.gov 


Endangered Salmon Population Monitored with eDNA for First Time

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CORVALIS, Ore. - Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey and Washington
State University have discovered that endangered Chinook salmon can be
detected accurately from DNA they release into the environment. The
<http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006320714004509> results
are part of a special issue of the journal Biological Conservation on use of
environmental DNA to inform conservation and management of aquatic species.

The special issue contains eleven papers that move the detection of aquatic
species using eDNA from concept to practice and include a thorough
examination of the potential benefits, limitations and biases of applying
eDNA methods to research and monitoring of animals. 

"The papers in this special edition demonstrate that eDNA techniques are
beginning to realize their potential contribution to the field of
conservation biology worldwide," said Caren Goldberg, Assistant Professor at
Washington State University and lead editor of the special issue.

DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the hereditary material that contains the
biological instructions to build and maintain all life forms; eDNA is the
DNA that animals release into the environment through normal biological
processes from sources such as feces, mucous, skin, hair, and carcasses.
Research and monitoring of rare, endangered, and invasive species can be
done by analyzing eDNA in water samples.

A paper included in the special issue by USGS ecologists Matthew Laramie and
David Pilliod, and Goldberg, looked at the potential for eDNA analysis to
improve detection of Chinook salmon in the Upper Columbia River in
Washington, USA and British Columbia, Canada. This is the first time eDNA
methods have been used to monitor North American salmon populations. The
successful project also picked up evidence of Chinook in areas where they
have not been previously observed.

"The results from this study indicate that eDNA detection methods are an
effective way to determine the distribution of Chinook across a large area
and can potentially be used to document the arrival of migratory species,
like Pacific salmon, or colonization of streams following habitat
restoration or reintroduction efforts," said Laramie.

Spring Chinook of the Upper Columbia River are among the most imperiled
North American salmon and are currently listed as
endangered under the Endangered Species Act. Laramie has been working with
the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation Fisheries Program in the
use of eDNA to document the success of reintroduction of Spring Chinook into
the Okanogan Basin of the Upper Columbia River.

The papers of the special issue focus on techniques for analyzing eDNA
samples, eDNA production and degradation in the environment and the
laboratory, and practical applications of eDNA techniques in detecting and
managing endangered fish and amphibians.

The co-editors, Goldberg, Pilliod, and WSU researcher Katherine Strickler,
open the special issue with an
overview on the state of eDNA science, a field developed from the studies of
micro-organisms in environmental samples and DNA collected from ancient
specimens such as mummified tissues or preserved plant remains.

"Incorporating eDNA methods into survey and monitoring programs will take
time, but dedicated professionals around the world are rapidly advancing
these methods closer to this goal," said Goldberg.

Strickler, Goldberg, and WSU Assistant Professor Alexander Fremier authored
a paper which quantified the effects of ultraviolet radiation, temperature,
and pH on eDNA degradation in aquatic systems. Using eDNA from bullfrog
tadpoles, the scientists determined that DNA broke down faster in warmer
temperatures and higher levels of Ultraviolet-B light. 

"We need to better understand how long DNA can be detected in water under
different conditions. Our work will help improve sampling strategies for
eDNA monitoring of sensitive and invasive species," said Strickler.

"These papers lead the way in advancing eDNA sample collection, processing,
analysis, and interpretation," said Pilliod, "eDNA methods have great
promise for detecting aquatic species of concern and may be particularly
useful when animals occur in low numbers or when there are regulatory
restrictions on the use of more invasive survey techniques."


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