[env-trinity] Trinity River Trapping Summary Update for Jweek 38

Cannata, Steve@Wildlife Steve.Cannata at wildlife.ca.gov
Thu Sep 25 15:03:06 PDT 2014

Hi All,
Please see attachment for the Trinity River trapping summary update for Jweek 38 (Sep 17-23). The Junction City and Willow Creek weirs were out of operation during jweek 38 due to the emergency augmentation flow release from Lewiston Dam. The Junction City Weir is done trapping for the season and will not be re-installed.  The Willow Creek weir will resume trapping on the evening of Sep 24. The Trinity River Hatchery continued to trap and process fish during the high flow event.

Steve Cannata
Environmental Scientist
Trinity River Project
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
5341 Ericson Way
Arcata, CA  95521
(707) 822-4230
steve.cannata at wildlife.ca.gov<mailto:steve.cannata at wildlife.ca.gov>

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