[env-trinity] No On Prop 1 Poll: Majority of Voters Don’t Support $15 Billion Debt for Dams, Conservancies, Subsidies for Huge Agribusiness

Tom Stokely tstokely at att.net
Fri Sep 5 13:45:31 PDT 2014


No on Prop. 1 Poll: Majority of Voters Don’t Support $15 Billion Debt for Dams, Conservancies, Subsidies for Huge Agribusinessadmin September 5, 2014
Sacramento – Opponents of Proposition 1, the State Water Bond, today released results of a statewide poll finding that the $15 billion spending package for dams, bike trails in conservancies, and subsidies for huge agribusiness water-takers “has a tenuous path to passage.” The poll of 600 likely November voters was conducted by the respected national firm of Lake Research Partners at the end of August. No on Prop. 1 consultant Steve Hopcraft said, “Our findings show voters strongly doubt Prop. 1’s misplaced spending, and taking on billions more in debt. Voters understand that spending Prop. 1’s $15 billion on building dams that don’t pencil out, funding bike trails and hiking trails takes that money away from other essential services like education, public safety and health care. Prop. 1 has already squeezed education by pushing a school construction bond off the ballot. Prop. 1 is the wrong investment.”
Prop. 1’s cost is too high, much of the spending is misplaced, and spending on those things takes away funding from sustainable water investments, including fixing our leaking urban water systems, as well as education and other essential services.
Proposition 1 is a giveaway of taxpayer money. The State of California is a staggering seven-hundred-and-seventy BILLION dollars in debt. Prop. 1 will cost taxpayers $360 million per year for the next 40 years. Passing Prop. 1 will expand our debt and will take funds away from schools, health care, and other programs and increases the need to dip into the General Fund.
If Prop. 1 passes, the State will spend $360 million per year for the next 40 years to build projects that will NOT solve our water problems, but WILL benefit wealthy agriculture corporations who want more access to California’s water. California taxpayers should not go into debt to build projects for billion-dollar farming conglomerates.
Prop. 1 goes too far and will have unintended consequences that are bad for Californians. We simply cannot account for what could happen if we divert more water from our rivers and streams AND build the massive Delta tunnels, as the governor fully intends to do. Prop. 1 will make our environment less stable and expose us to new problems.
Click below to download the document
Release No on Prop 1 poll results 9.5.14
Public memo: Polling on California Proposition One0 comments
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