[env-trinity] Fw: 9/10 TAMWG meeting Agenda

Tom Stokely tstokely at att.net
Tue Sep 10 09:00:08 PDT 2013

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Hadley, Elizabeth" <ehadley at ci.redding.ca.us>
To: Tom Stokely <tstokely at att.net>; carrie.nicolls at ca.usda.gov; Darren Mierau <DMierau at caltrout.org>; splash at trinityriverrafting.com; yen2fish at netzero.net; ema.berol at yahoo.com; gilsaliba at aol.com; joewmccarthy at comcast.net; jsutton at tccanal.com; trla at northtrinitylake.com; krista at trinityriveroutfitters.com; phauser at trinitypud.com; rlorenz at snowcrest.net; snowgoose at pulsarco.com 
Cc: joe_polos at fws.gov; "Schrock, Robin M" <rschrock at usbr.gov> 
Sent: Monday, September 9, 2013 10:03 AM
Subject: 9/10 TAMWG meeting Agenda

Attached please find the final agenda for our TAMWG meeting on September 10, 2013, which includes the call-in/webex information.  
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Elizabeth W. Hadley
Legislative & Regulatory Program Supervisor
Redding Electric Utility
City of Redding
Office (530) 339-7327
Cell (530) 722-7518
ehadley at reupower.com
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