[env-trinity] My understanding of the Trinity flows, please correct if inaccurate

Emilia Berol ema.berol at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 24 14:33:02 PDT 2013

Thanks much for this clarification, Tom, helps a lot.


Sent from my iPad

On Aug 23, 2013, at 4:00 PM, Tom Stokely <tstokely at att.net> wrote:

> This is my understanding of the Trinity River flow situation paraphrased from somebody who had more information than me.  There's a lot of confusion about the 20,000 AF flow.  If anybody has anything extra to add, please do.  
> The originally estimated 62,000 af was just an estimate, which it turns out was an over-estimate based on a prior projected flow level that fortunate weather and flow conditions made less necessary- flows in the lower Klamath River are higher than predicted.  See Belchik Declaration attached. 
> Also, we are 10 days into the originally proposed flows, so that cuts 10 days off right there, as a further proportional reduction.  The end result leaves only an estimated 21,000 af gap to meet the 2800 cfs estuary target.
> And whatever adjustments would be made for an actual outbreak or rising temperatures in the original program proposal are now still in operation.  The TRO is simply lifted and a motion for Injunction denied.  So the program goes forward.  The reduction to 21,000 was from the agency recalculation based on actual flow conditions (as opposed to a weeks old projection) and does not come from the Court or Westlands.   That means if additional flows are needed to reduce an outbreak of ich or to reduce Lower Klamath River tributaries, they can occur.
> Tom Stokely
> Water Policy Analyst/Media Contact
> California Water Impact Network
> V/FAX 530-926-9727
> Cell 530-524-0315
> tstokely at att.net
> http://www.c-win.org
> <belchik testimony.pdf>
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