[env-trinity] Fwd: Release of Additional Water from Trinity Reservoir to Supplement Flows in the Lower Klamath River

Tom Stokely tstokely at att.net
Wed Aug 7 11:13:13 PDT 2013

From: "Steve Geissinger" <SGeissinger at usbr.gov>
Date: August 7, 2013 11:08:11 AM PDT
To: tstokely at att.net
Subject: Release of Additional Water from Trinity Reservoir to Supplement Flows in the Lower Klamath River

Mid-Pacific Region
Sacramento, CA


Media Contact:  Pete Lucero, 916-978-5100, plucero at usbr.gov

For Release On:  August 7, 2013

Reclamation to Release Additional Water from Trinity Reservoir to Supplement Flows in the Lower Klamath River

REDDING, Calif. – The Bureau of Reclamation will release additional water from Trinity Reservoir to supplement flows in the Lower Klamath River in 2013 to help protect an expected large returning run of adult Chinook salmon from a disease outbreak and mortality. The target date for augmented flows in the Lower Klamath River is August 15. Because of the two day travel time between Lewiston Dam and the Lower Klamath, the releases from Lewiston Dam will begin in the early morning hours of August 13 and end in the last week of September.

Flows in the Lower Klamath River will be targeted at 2,800 cubic feet per second during this period and Lewiston Dam releases will be adjusted accordingly. Current river flow forecasts indicate that Lewiston Dam releases will increase from the current rate of 450 cubic feet per second on August 13 and will vary between about 1,000 and 1,200 cubic feet per second, prior to dropping to 450 cubic feet per second in late September. Between August 26 and August 27, a pulse flow release from Lewiston Dam could be as high as 2,600 cubic feet per second.

The rate of increasing releases could be as high as 250 cubic feet per second every two hours, and the rate of flow reductions could be as high as 100 cubic feet per second every four hours. The public is urged to take all necessary precautions on or near the river while flows are high.

An Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact were prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act, and are available online at http://www.usbr.gov/mp/nepa/nepa_projdetails.cfm?Project_ID=14366. If you encounter problems accessing the documents online, please call 916-978-5100 or email mppublicaffairs at usbr.gov.

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Reclamation is the largest wholesale water supplier and the second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the United States, with operations and facilities in the 17 Western States. Its facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation, and fish and wildlife benefits.  Visit our website at http://www.usbr.gov.

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Bureau of Reclamation, Denver Federal Center, Alameda & Kipling Street PO Box 25007, Denver, CO 80225 United States

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