[env-trinity] Fwd: Revise to Trinity Flow Change Order

Tom Stokely tstokely at att.net
Tue May 21 09:45:48 PDT 2013

Begin forwarded message:

From: "WASHBURN, THUY" <twashburn at usbr.gov>
Date: May 21, 2013 9:22:10 AM PDT
Subject: Fwd: Change Order

REVISE Comment to Trinity Pulse Flow

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: WASHBURN, THUY <twashburn at usbr.gov>
Date: Tue, May 21, 2013 at 9:18 AM
Subject: Change Order
To: "Aguilar, Burney" <baguilar at dfg.ca.gov>, "Alpers, Charles N." <cnalpers at usgs.gov>, "Anderson, Craig" <Craig_Anderson at fws.gov>, "Anderson, Larry D" <LDAnderson at usbr.gov>, "Angerer, Stuart A" <SAngerer at usbr.gov>, "Bader, Donald P" <DBader at usbr.gov>, "Bairrington, Phil" <pbairrington at dfg.ca.gov>, "Ball, Larry S" <LBall at usbr.gov>, "Bandrowski, David J" <DBANDROWSKI at usbr.gov>, "Baumgartner, Steve" <sbaumgartner at dfg.ca.gov>, "Boardman, Tom" <tboardman at apex.net>, BOR CVO-400 EMPLOYEES <IBR2CVOD400 at usbr.gov>, BOR CVO-650 EMPLOYEES <IBR2CVOD650 at usbr.gov>, BOR MPR All Public Affairs Employees MP-140 <IBR2MPRDALLPAO at usbr.gov>, "BOR SLO NCAO All Weaverville Office Employees (TRRP)" <IBR2WEODAllWEOEmployees at usbr.gov>, BOR SLO NCAO Control Operators <IBR2KDODOperators at usbr.gov>, BOR SLO NCAO Water Quality <IBR2KDODWaterQuality at usbr.gov>, Brian Wheeler <spreadlove628 at gmail.com>, "Brown, Matt" <Matt_Brown at fws.gov>, "Bui, Tuan" <tbui at water.ca.gov>, "Burditt, Wayne" <wayne58994 at aol.com>, "Chase, Robert D" <RChase at usbr.gov>, COE Distribution List <bureau0 at spk-wc.usace.army.mil>, DWR Dispatchers <dispatch at water.ca.gov>, DWR Flood Mgmt <dwrflood at water.ca.gov>, "Ferguson, Jon E." <jeferg at usgs.gov>, "Franklin, Robert" <fishwater at hoopa-nsn.gov>, "Gaeuman, David A" <DGaeuman at usbr.gov>, "Gibbs, Andrew" <ragibbs at usgs.gov>, "Giorgi, Bryant" <bgiorgi at water.ca.gov>, "Gotham, Gregory P" <GGotham at usbr.gov>, "Guinee, Roger" <Roger_Guinee at fws.gov>, "Harral, Sheryl M (Sheri)" <SHarral at usbr.gov>, "Hawthorne, Jean" <jhawthorne at fs.fed.us>, "Hemus, Bob" <bhemus at fs.fed.us>, "Hilts, Derek" <Derek_Hilts at fws.gov>, "Hirabayashi, Joni" <jhirabay at water.ca.gov>, "Jackson, Deanna L" <DLJackson at usbr.gov>, "Kabat, Tom" <Tom.Kabat at cityofpaloalto.org>, "Kisanuki, Tom T" <tkisanuki at usbr.gov>, "Kiteck, Elizabeth G" <EKiteck at usbr.gov>, "Krause, Andreas F" <AKrause at usbr.gov>, "Latimore, Joshua J." <jlatimor at usgs.gov>, "Leahigh, John" <leahigh at water.ca.gov>, "Martin, Janet L" <JLMartin at usbr.gov>, "Matilton, Billy" <bmatilton at hoopa-nsn.gov>, "Matilton, Clyde" <cmatilton at hoopa-nsn.gov>, "Merriweather, Audrey" <amerriweather at usbr.gov>, "Miller, Aaron" <miller at water.ca.gov>, "Milligan, Ronald E" <RMilligan at usbr.gov>, "Mortimeyer, Barry S" <BMortimeyer at usbr.gov>, "O'Neil, Christine S." <csoneil at usgs.gov>, OCO Export Management Group-DWR <OCO_Export_Management at water.ca.gov>, "Oppenheim, Bruce" <bruce.oppenheim at noaa.gov>, "Petros, Paul" <ppetros at hoopa-nsn.gov>, "Pettit, Tracy" <pettit at water.ca.gov>, pokerbarbill <pokerbarbill at aol.com>, "Polos, Joe" <Joe_Polos at fws.gov>, "Ranieri, Julie" <jranieri at fs.fed.us>, "Reed, Timothy J." <treed at usgs.gov>, River Forecast Center <cnrfc at noaa.gov>, Rod Mendes <hoopaoes at gmail.com>, "Rogers, Rick" <rick.rogers at noaa.gov>, "Rueth, John" <John_Rueth at fws.gov>, "Sandhu, Amerit" <asandhu at water.ca.gov>, "Schrock, Robin M" <rschrock at usbr.gov>, "Shackleton, Chris" <chris at dreamflows.com>, "Shahcheraghi, Reza" <rezas at water.ca.gov>, "Singh, Amardeep" <amardeep at water.ca.gov>, "Sinnen, Wade" <wsinnen at dfg.ca.gov>, "Smith, Stacey M" <StaceySmith at usbr.gov>, "Suppiger, Mary B" <MSuppiger at usbr.gov>, "Tran, Loi" <ltran at water.ca.gov>, "Trent, Cory A." <catrent at usgs.gov>, Trinity Chamber of Commerce <chamber at trinitycounty.com>, Trinity Dispatch <dispatch at trinitycounty.org>, Trinity River Restoration Program <trinityreleases at essa.com>, "Vermeyen, Tracy B" <TVermeyen at usbr.gov>, WAPA-Group <SNR_RSC at wapa.gov>, "White, Molly" <mwhite at water.ca.gov>, "Wilbur, Ryan" <rwilbur at water.ca.gov>, "Wittler, Rodney J" <RJWittler at usbr.gov>, "Wong, Greg" <cvpassn at aol.com>, "Yamanaka, Dan" <dany at water.ca.gov>, "Yin, Wenli" <wyin at water.ca.gov>, "Yip, Garwin" <Garwin.Yip at noaa.gov>, "Zedonis, Paul A" <pzedonis at usbr.gov>

Please make the following release change to the Trinity River.


Date                        Time            From (cfs)            To (cfs)


05/26/2013             0700               1,708                   1,635

05/27/2013             0700               1,635                   1,564

05/28/2013             0700               1,564                   1,497
05/29/2013             0700               1,497                   1,443

05/30/2013             0700               1,443                   1,371

05/31/2013             0700               1,371                   1,300
06/01/2013             0100               1,300                   1,200

06/05/2013             0700               1,200                   1,053

06/06/2013             0700               1,053                   1,007
06/07/2013             0700               1,007                    964

06/08/2013             0700               964                       922

06/09/2013             0700               922                       883
06/10/2013             0700               883                       845

06/11/2013             0700               845                       808

06/12/2013             0700               808                       774
06/13/2013             0700               774                       740

06/14/2013             0100               740                       700

06/18/2013             0700               700                       594
06/19/2013             0700               594                       568

06/20/2013             0700               568                       544

06/21/2013             0700               544                       521
06/22/2013             0700               521                       498

06/23/2013             0700               498                       477

06/24/2013             0700               477                       450
Issued by:  Thuy Washburn

Comment:  Trinity Pulse Flow


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