[env-trinity] Flow Release Schedule from Lewiston Dam for Lower Klamath River Flow Augmentation

Tom Stokely tstokely at att.net
Fri Aug 24 22:58:44 PDT 2012

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Person, Brian L" <BPerson at usbr.gov>
Date: August 24, 2012 5:24:26 PM PDT
To: "rafting at whitewatertours.com" <rafting at whitewatertours.com>
Cc: "tstokely at att.net" <tstokely at att.net>, "Schrock, Robin M" <rschrock at usbr.gov>, "Washburn, Thuy T" <TWashburn at usbr.gov>, "Harral, Sheryl M (Sheri)" <SHarral at usbr.gov>, "Reck, Donald R" <DReck at usbr.gov>
Subject: Releases from Lewiston Dam for Lower Klamath River Flow Augmentation

Your question about the increased flows was forwarded to me, and since I have no indication you received an earlier reply, I’ll respond.
The augmentation flows will continue until approximately September 21, after which the release rate from Lewiston Dam will ramp down to 450 cfs.  There is river travel time to be taken into account (Lewiston Dam to the Lower Klamath) and by that time there is the possibility of rainfall events in the Klamath River Basin that could influence the Lewiston Dam release rates and dates.
I hope this is helpful—please let us know if you need more information.
Brian Person
Area Manager
Northern California Area Office
Bureau of Reclamation 

	From: 	Tributary Whitewater Tours <rafting at whitewatertours.com>
	Subject: 	Re: [env-trinity] Change Order - Lewiston Dam
	Date: 	August 24, 2012 11:06:30 AM PDT
	To: 	Washburn, Thuy T <TWashburn at usbr.gov>
	Cc: 	Louis Moore <wmoore at usbr.gov>, Tom Stokely <tstokely at att.net>
I did see an original email about the higher flows going into September, but do not remember seeing an end date for those higher flows, though think it said it would be the last week of September? . Do you have any more specific information on when those releases from Lewiston will drop back down to less then 700 cfs?

Thanks, Lorraine
Lorraine Hall, Business Manager
Tributary Whitewater Tours LLC
20480 Woodbury Drive, Grass Valley, CA 95949
(530) 346-6812, Fax (530) 346-6499
Toll Free for clients: (800) 672-3846
rafting at whitewatertours.com

Safely guiding California's finest rivers for 30+ years 

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