[env-trinity] News Clips on Bay-Delta Conservation Plan and Delta Plan
Tom Stokely
tstokely at att.net
Thu May 31 16:58:25 PDT 2012
Some of these articles are almost a week old, but you may not have seen them. It appears to me that the Bay-Delta Conservation Plan has had some kind of setback and is regrouping.
The independent Delta Stewardship Council is being considered to be put under the Natural Resources Agency. The Final Draft Delta Plan by the DSC is now out for review and comment. See http://deltacouncil.ca.gov/
The Trinity River is a Delta Tributary Watershed and the Bureau of Reclamation's Trinity River water permits are part of a plans to convey water around the Delta through the "Chunnel."
Tom Stokely
Water Policy Analyst/Media Contact
California Water Impact Network
V/FAX 530-926-9727
Cell 530-524-0315
tstokely at att.net
Stephen Franks re-publicizes all of Thursday and Friday's rumors, press releases, etc., etc. about the Guv's Chunnel plans -
Alex Breitler does a good job of summarizing what was told to the privileged few in the private conversations about the Peripheral Canal/Chunnel.
Dan Bacher updates his report on the failure of AB 2421 to get out of legislative committee (requiring BDCP Cost/Benefit Analysis)
RTD and Food & Water Watch call for cost/benefit analysis of Chunnel despite Legislature's failure to move the Berryhill bill -
more on Berryhill's cost/benefit bill failing to get out of Assembly Appropriations -
the Legislature starts considering the Guv's reorganization plan which puts the Delta Stewardship Council under Resources; note it's an "all of nothing" choice for the Legislature meaning the controversial DSC move may be a done deal;
full Little Hoover Commission report on the Guv's reorg plan . It recommends that the Delta Stewardship Council remain independent-
and DSC's April 23 pitch to the Little Hoover Commission -
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