[env-trinity] Fwd: job opportunity - links to internal and external announcements

Tom Stokely tstokely at att.net
Thu May 10 16:14:16 PDT 2012

From: "Schrock, Robin M" <rschrock at usbr.gov>
Date: May 10, 2012 4:10:37 PM PDT
To: Carrie Nichols <ccapra24 at gmail.com>, David Steinhauser <splash at trinityriverrafting.com>, "Denn, Sandy " <snowgoose at pulsarco.com>, Ed Duggan <yen2fish at netzero.net>, Elizebeth Hadley <ehadley at ci.redding.ca.us>, Emelia Berol <ema.berol at yahoo.com>, Gilbert Saliba <gilsaliba at aol.com>, Jeffrey Sutton <jsutton at tccanal.com>, 'Joseph McCarthy' <joewmccarthy at comcast.net>, Kelli Gant <kgant at tds.net>, Kim Mattson <Mattson at ecosystemsnorthwest.com>, Liam Gogan <krista at trinityriveroutfitters.com>, Paul Hauser <phauser at trinitypud.com>, Richard Lorenz <rlorenz at snowcrest.net>, Tiffany Hayes <tiffany.hayes at ca.usda.gov>, Tom Stokely <tstokely at att.net>, Travis Michel <sweettrinity at live.com>
Subject: opportunity - links to internal and external announcements

The vacancy announcement for the new Project Coordination Specialist is out on USA JOBS.  Please forward this to others you know that may be interested in applying.  Please take a look at the announcement to get a feel for the duties of the position.
External (non federal employees):
Internal (current federal employees only):
Robin M. Schrock
Executive Director
Trinity River Restoration Program
PO Box 1300, 1313 South Main Street
Weaverville, CA 96093
TEL: (530) 623-1800
FAX: (530) 623-5944
CELL: (530) 945-7489

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