[env-trinity] Fwd: CAC MEETING CANCELLED for JAN 20 Friday

Tom Stokely tstokely at att.net
Thu Jan 19 07:18:41 PST 2012

Begin forwarded message:

From: Vivian Helliwell <vhelliwell at mcn.org>
Date: January 19, 2012 7:14:15 AM PST
To: Tom Stokely <tstokely at att.net>, Mike Orcutt <director at hoopa-nsn.gov>, GAYLAND TAYLOR <gtaylorxfg at sbcglobal.net>, <Walter.Duffy at humboldt.edu>, <ftcourage at coastside.net>, pcfwwra <pcfwwra at reninet.com>, Curtis Knight <cknight at caltrout.org>, Nica Knite <nknite at caltrout.org>, Kevin Shaffer <kshaffer at dfg.ca.gov>, <bmatilton at hoopa-nsn.gov>, Peggy Wilzbach <Margaret.Wilzbach at humboldt.edu>, Gary Flosi <gflosi at dfg.ca.gov>, "Thomas J. Weseloh" <tom.weseloh at asm.ca.gov>, Brian Johnson <BJohnson at tu.org>, Stafford Lehr <slehr at dfg.ca.gov>, Kim Howlett <khowlett at dfg.ca.gov>, jimmy <steeliejim at jps.net>, "Schrock, Robin M" <rschrock at usbr.gov>, <mberry at dfg.ca.gov>, Curtis Milliron <Cmilliro at dfg.ca.gov>, Wade Sinnen <WSinnen at dfg.ca.gov>
Cc: <dmierau at caltrout.org>, Debbie Weaver <DWEAVER at dfg.ca.gov>, <Dblessing at fs.fed.us>
Subject: CAC MEETING CANCELLED for JAN 20 Friday

The CAC meeting planned for January 20, Friday, in Redding
HAS BEEN CANCELLED for bad travelling weather.
Please notify anyone else you know of that was planning to come, or notify me and I will do so. 

Vivian Helliwell,Chair
California Advisory Committee on Salmon and Steelhead (CAC)
(707) 445-1976 wk
(707) 443-9168 hm
(707) 953-0095 cell

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