[env-trinity] SacBee Viewpoint: Northern California
Emelia Berol
ema.berol at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 13 11:38:17 PST 2012
I appreciate and agree with your comments, Sandy. Too few people in our society have had any connection to farming or the sources of their food, and the image of farming in California really is tainted by the big subsidized industrial ag world.
My father came from farming background, and had commercial orchards in Sonoma County, 50 acres, and another 150 acres he ran a small herd of beef cattle on ... back in the days before wine became king there... and living in Humboldt County one does not have to look far to see how hard our local dairy farmers, beef ranchers, and produce market farmers work.
I think true farmers are under appreciated, and that it is important to distinguish, and this is true of many other industries as well, such as fishing and timber harvesting. There are those who are driven by greed, and there are those who do what they do just to make a decent living, and sometimes just for the love of it. They should not be subjected to the same rules as large-scale industrial resource extractors and producers, nor should one group be given privileged status and advantages over others.
It's a pity that Sacramento Valley farmers can make more money selling their water than the crops they could grown with that water ...
one thing for sure, groups like the Westlands and Kern Water agency should not be allowed to be profiteering middlemen in the delivery of water. That water belongs to the state of California, and should be managed as a public resource, not a free market commodity.
The idea of free markets is a joke, anyway, so long as the Westlands and others get sweet deals from the gov ... it's a form of socialism that only applies to the wealthy.
From: "sandydenn at pulsarco.com" <snowgoose at pulsarco.com>
To: env-trinity at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us; trinityjosh at gmail.com; wjcarl1 at yahoo.com; Gail Goodyear <ggoodyear at hotmail.com>
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: [env-trinity] SacBee Viewpoint: Northern California
Perhaps before pasting the "Greed" label on all of these
parties, one should become better informed of the costs, regulations, fees and
sacrifices made by California agriculturists. It sounds as though all you
commentors assume that your food is produced 100% by huge corporate entities
living in the lap of luxury, just waiting for the next big paycheck to
arrive. We are not all innocence and light as an industry, but many of us
are just hard working, hands-on farmers who have found it necessary to
"sell" a portion of our allocation to fund the costs of environmentalism,
development and "Greed" for idealism. I wouldn't even have responded
if you all hadn't jumped onto this bashing band wagon and tend to paint
with such a wide brush, figuring you are entitled to your opinion. But
please recognize the fact that farmers who are incorporated are not all greedy
corporate giants just salivating over the next big "water deal" they
can make. Sandy Willard Denn, Hands-on farmer
----- Original Message -----
>From: Gail Goodyear
>To: wjcarl1 at yahoo.com ; trinityjosh at gmail.com ; env-trinity at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
>Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 9:55 AM
>Subject: Re: [env-trinity] SacBee Viewpoint: Northern California
>Water is hardly a one-party issue. Greed is bi-partisan.
>Greed is one of the universals of our world.
> Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2012 16:09:17 -0800
>From: wjcarl1 at yahoo.com
>To: trinityjosh at gmail.com; env-trinity at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us
[env-trinity] SacBee Viewpoint: Northern California
>Thank you Joshua and Mark, What a dilemma for liberal-conservationist CA voters !!! If we elect a Republican, we empower someone who vows never to compromise or cost the top One Percent a single dime. Or, vote for Dianne, and give a couple of them billions of those single dimes. Warren Carlson, prof. emeritus, HSU now in Redding
> From: Joshua Allen <trinityjosh at gmail.com>
>Sent: Mon, January 9, 2012 11:47:41 AM
>Subject: Re: [env-trinity] SacBee Viewpoint: Northern California river water fetches high profit margins for farmers selling it through transfers
>Nothing new here. Don't
look behind the curtain. Keep walking...
>What are we to expect from Feinslime? The 5th richest senator who has a net worth of $75 million doesn't represent the interest of the state or the people; she knows where her butter is spread. She's got to grease those wheels, you know, so she can stay in power, and represent the wealth elite getting theirs and handing US the bill.
>It would be nice to get her out of office. She only represents the rich. But that was the plan when they approved the 17th Amendment and took the power of state appointment for senatorial office!
>2012/1/9 Mark Dowdle - TCRCD <mdowdle at tcrcd.net>
>>This story is taken from Sacbee / Opinion / Viewpoints
>>Viewpoints: Water barons will corner market in new 'Chinatown'
>>Special to The Bee
>>Published Sunday, Jan. 08, 2012...................................................
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