[env-trinity] TAMWG agenda for September 12

Tom Stokely tstokely at att.net
Fri Sep 2 08:40:45 PDT 2011

From: "Arnold Whitridge" <awhitridge at dishmail.net>
Date: September 2, 2011 6:51:59 AM PDT
To: "\"Dana Hord\"" <splash at snowcrest.net>, "\"David Steinhauser\"" <splash at trinityriverrafting.com>, "Kelli Gant - tds" <kgant at tds.net>, "\"Edgar Duggan\"" <yen2fish at netzero.net>, "Elizabeth Hadley" <ehadley at reupower.com>, <ema.berol at yahoo.com>, <gilsaliba at aol.com>, "Jeff Sutton" <jsutton at tccanal.com>, <pfrost at tcrcd.net>, "Rich Lorenz" <rlorenz at snowcrest.net>, "Sandy Denn" <snowgoose at pulsarco.com>, "Joseph McCarthy" <joewmccarthy at comcast.net>, "Spreck Rosekrans" <srosekrans at edf.org>
Cc: "Tom Stokely" <tstokely at att.net>
Subject: TAMWG agenda for September 12

Here's the agenda for our rapidly-approaching September 12 TAMWG meeting.   Looking forward,
Proposed Agenda
Monday, September 12, 2011
Trinity County Library, Weaverville, CA
         Time           Presentation, Discussion, and/or Action on:                                Presenter       
1.       10:00          Adopt agenda; approve minutes from May and June
2.      10:10           Open forum; public comment

3.       10:20           TMC Chair report                                                                         Brian Person
4.      11:00           Further observations of effects of peak releases;                      Andreas Krause
                                 planned flow reporting
5.       11:30           Draft System Status Report                                                         Nina Hemphill                      
          12:30           lunch
6.       1:30             Channel rehabilitation program:  Phase 1 review                       Ernie Clarke
                                                                                       2012 projects                       D.J. Bandrowski   
7.       2:30             Science program; reviews; Big Guiding Questions                     Ernie Clarke                             
8.       3:30             Watersheds work program                                                           Dave Gaeuman            
9.       4:00             Executive Director’s report                                                          Robin Schrock
10.     4:30             Designated Federal Officer topics                                               Randy Brown
11.     4:45             Tentative date and agenda topics for next regular meeting
          5:00             Adjourn

Tom Stokely
Water Policy Analyst/Media Contact
California Water Impact Network
V/FAX 530-926-9727
Cell 530-524-0315
tstokely at att.net

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