[env-trinity] Joint Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture Coho Salmon Informational Hearing - 8/16/11 10am Capitol Bldg Rm 4202

Tom Stokely tstokely at att.net
Fri Aug 5 09:56:44 PDT 2011

From: "Weseloh, Tom" <Tom.Weseloh at asm.ca.gov>
Date: August 4, 2011 5:03:22 PM PDT
To: "Weseloh, Tom" <Tom.Weseloh at asm.ca.gov>
Subject: Joint Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture Coho Salmon Informational Hearing - 8/16/11 10am Capitol Bldg Rm 4202

Assemblyman Chesbro, Chair of the Joint Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture, will convene a Coho Salmon Informational Hearing in the Capitol Building, Room 4020 on Tuesday August 16, 2011 beginning at 10:00 a.m. Please save the date. 
The agenda will include many speakers providing testimony on Coho salmon issues throughout California. Speakers include: John McCamman, Director  Department of Fish and Game; Rod McInnis, Regional Administrator National Marine Fisheries Service and Catherine Kuhlman, Executive Director North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board.  The State (DFG and NCRWQCB) and federal (NMFS) agencies will provide information on current population status and trends as well as recovery plans and action items. 
Additionally,  several panels of presenters will address: regional updates, population dynamics, fishery impacts, instream flow problems/solutions, estuary and off-channel habitat requirements, forest practices/watershed restoration/large woody debris enhancement, captive rearing, and more.  Presenters are encouraged to provide clear, concise recommendations for legislative and administrative actions that will prevent extinction and expedite recovery of coho salmon in California.
Additional information and agendas will be distributed next week.
Assemblyman Chesbro hopes you will be able to attend.
Please distribute as appropriate and reply with requests to be removed from the list. I apologize for any duplicate emails.
Tom Weseloh
Joint Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture
c/o Assemblymember Wesley Chesbro
710 E Street, Suite 150
Eureka, CA 95501
707.445.7014 x10
Tom.weseloh at asm.ca.gov

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