[env-trinity] Redwood Coast Energy Authority Now Hiring

lou jacobson acaswr at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 28 18:35:04 PDT 2009

Hello all,

This is a great opportunity and I wanted to share it with everyone on this list. The turn around is a bit quick but hey most of us are familiar with this type of thing :)


         RCEA Energy Alert         
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Redwood Coast Energy Authority Now Hiring
RCEA is accepting
applications for one new full-time four-month limited-term
position who will assist in the preparation of  a
regional application for a California Energy Commission ARRA-funded
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) for small cities and
counties.  This application will be submitted on behalf of
eligible jurisdictions in a seven-county area under the coordination of the
North Coast Regional Integrated Water Management Plan
This Energy Specialist (ARRA) position is responsible for performing
desktop project reviews of multiple municipal energy efficiency projects
involving complex energy use and efficiency calculations; preparing
project feasibility documents; ranking projects for cost
effectivenes; determining available rebates and incentives for eligible
projects; and preparing this information for integration into the overall EECBG
This position requires
education to at least a Bachelor Degree in Engineering, Energy
Management or related discipline/coursework from a four-year college; and a
minimum of two years experience in energy efficiency project analysis
or implementation.
Interviews will be
held during the week of October 5, 2009, and the position
is expected to start by mid-October.
Click to Download:
	* Application
	* Position Description 
Resume, application, &
cover letter must be received at RCEA (517 5th Street, Eureka)  by 5:00 pm
on Monday, October 5, 2009.
Emailed applications are acceptable,
and should be sent to dboyd at redwoodenergy.orgby the above deadline.

email was sent to ljacobson at redwoodenergy.org. To cancel your subscription to
this eMail campaign, click
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