[env-trinity] Vacaville Reporter July 9 2009

Byron Leydecker bwl3 at comcast.net
Thu Jul 9 14:13:48 PDT 2009

Wolk, farmers call for Delta input

Vacaville Reporter-7/9/09


State Sen. Lois Wolk, D-Solano, and a broad coalition of Delta farmers,
fisherman, community advocates, environmentalists, state and local elected
representatives converged on the steps of the State Capitol Tuesday to
demand that the voice of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta community be heard
as plans are written and carried out to restore the Delta.


"You can't fix the Delta without the people of the Delta as your partners,"
said Wolk, chair of Senate Select Committee on Delta Stewardship and


"Nobody is more concerned about the decline of the Delta than those who live
in the Delta, the people who work, farm, fish, and recreate here. We know
the Delta is not a blank slate. 


We love the Delta's many facets, not just the water that flows through it.
We love the Delta for the place that it is and the people who live, work,
and play here, and we are committed to preserving and protecting it."


Along with Lt. Gov. John Garamendi, Sen. Mark DeSaulnier, and Assembly
members Joan Buchanan, Alyson Huber, and Mariko Yamada, Solano County
Supervisors John Vasquez joined the gathering along with supervisors from
Yolo, Sacramento and Contra Costa counties.


The event was coordinated by Restore the Delta, a coalition of farmers,
environmentalists, fisherman and Delta advocates.


The Delta encompasses five counties, 27 cities and two ports. It provides
world-class birding, hunting, wind-surfing and hiking. It is home to 500,000
acres of small family farms that produce prized pears, asparagus, wine
grapes, and contributes $2 billion to California's economy. It provides
habitat for 90 percent of California's salmon, which not only support the
West Coast's $1 billion salmon fishery but are also a critical food source
for killer whales.


"All that depends on the health of the Delta and its watershed," Wolk said.
"Those of us that live in and love the Delta are tired of failed attempts,
we need real solutions. It is time that the Delta voice is heard, and that
the health of the Delta is restored."



Byron Leydecker, JcT

Chair, Friends of Trinity River

PO Box 2327

Mill Valley, CA 94942-2327

415 383 4810 land

415 519 4810 cell

 <mailto:bwl3 at comcast.net> bwl3 at comcast.net

 <mailto:bleydecker at stanfordalumni.org> bleydecker at stanfordalumni.org

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