[env-trinity] TAMWG meeting June 10-11

Arnold Whitridge awhitridge at snowcrest.net
Fri Jun 5 09:20:53 PDT 2009

Here's the agenda for the June 10-11 meeting of the Trinity Adaptive Management Working Group, which advises the Trinity Management Council on Trinity River Restoration Program matters.  All TAMWG meetings are open to the public.

Arnold Whitridge, TAMWG chair

Proposed Agenda
Trinity County Library, Main Street, Weaverville, CA 

June 10 and 11, 2009



         Time           Presentation, Discussion, and/or Action on:                              Presenter        


Wednesday,  June 10                        

1.      12:00 pm     Adopt agenda; approve March minutes

2.       12:10          Open forum; public comment

3.       12:20          TRRP organization and  decisionmaking-                                   Clair Stalnaker, 

                                 original concept, present status, possible improvements       Byron Leydecker,

                                                                                                                                    Brian Person, Mike Hamman  


4.       2:30            Hatchery goals, practices, and effects on wild fish                    Larry Hansen, DFG


5.       4:00            Reservoir management; temperature issues                              Mike Hamman            

          5:00            Adjourn for the day

Thursday, June 11


6.       8:15            Designated Federal Officer topics                                             Randy Brown


7.       8:30            Channel rehabilitation program update                                     Mike Hamman


8.       9:00            Progress towards an RFP-based science program                    Mike Hamman


9.       9:30            Sediment monitoring activities                                                    Dave Gaeuman


10.     10:15          Integrated Information Management System (IIMS)               Eric Peterson


11.     11:00          Executive Director's Report, budget update                             Mike Hamman            


12.     11:45          Tentative date and agenda topics for next meeting


          noon           lunch


13.     1:00            Field visit to channel rehabilitation site(s)


          4:00            Adjourn 



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