[env-trinity] Hatchery Fish Destruction of Wild Fish

Byron Leydecker bwl3 at comcast.net
Mon May 11 15:17:20 PDT 2009

In connection with Seth Naman's recent Master's Thesis on hatchery salmonids
destroying wild fish, several people have asked me for the additional body
of scientific evidence to which I have referred that also support his


This is an issue TAMWG has been attempting to pursue aggressively for almost
two years, and TMC has taken some modest action - in effect, asking the
Bureau of Reclamation to review the issue.  The Bureau owns the Trinity
Hatchery and the California Department of Fish and Game operates it.  Gary
Stacey, Northern Region Manager of the Department of Fish and Game and a
member of TMC, has expressed interest, willingness and support in dealing
with and resolving the current problem of Trinity hatchery over production
and wild fish destruction - a problem that is exactly counter to the
Restoration Program's objectives.


The scientific evidence - studies and conclusions to which I referred in my
previous email are studies at the Native Fish Society's Conservation site:
http://www.nativefishsociety.org/conservation/annotated.html   You can see
papers by Kostow, Reisenbichler, Chilcote, Araki Hitoshi, Fleming, Blouin,
Waples, ISRP, and Lichatowich.  You also can search the NMFS science center
web page and the Power Planning and Conservation Council web page going to
reports by the IEAB, ISAB, SRG.   A lot of hatchery impact on wild fish
review has been undertaken and the work is published on those web pages.


This is an issue that we will continue to pursue, and for those of you
involved in the Restoration Program, I do not want to print out all of this
scientific evidence.  It is available on the internet.


Byron Leydecker, JcT

Chair, Friends of Trinity River

PO Box 2327

Mill Valley, CA 94942-2327

415 383 4810 land

415 519 4810 cell

 <mailto:bwl3 at comcast.net> bwl3 at comcast.net

 <mailto:bleydecker at stanfordalumni.org> bleydecker at stanfordalumni.org

 <http://fotr.org/> http://www.fotr.org 




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