[env-trinity] River of Renewal Screening Arcata Saturday

Byron bwl3 at comcast.net
Tue Aug 5 19:41:58 PDT 2008

Klamath River Book Becomes a Movie,

Arcata Screening Sponsored By NEC


This Saturday, you could be one of the first to see the River of Renewal
movie, based on the book about the Klamath River. 


The 54-minute fine-cut screening starts at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, August 9
at the D Street Neighborhood Center located at 14th and D streets in Arcata.
Admission costs $5. Local beer and wine will be sold and refreshments served
at the event. All proceeds will benefit Klamath programs at the NEC.


Acclaimed Klamath River researcher and author Stephen Most and the longtime
Klamath River defender and advocate Northcoast Environmental Center (NEC)
invite the public to attend an early film screening of the River of Renewal,
released as a book in 2006 and now as a movie.


River of Renewal the book offers a rare literary look at the struggles for
resources and ultimately survival in communities from headwaters to mouth of
the 250-mile river which spans two states and various stakeholder uses.


In the River of Renewal movie, Jack Kohler, a "sidewalk Indian," discovers
his roots among the Klamath River tribes while investigating the crisis in
the land of his ancestors.


Conflict over water and wildlife in the Klamath Basin turned farmers and
ranchers against American Indians and salmon fishermen in Oregon and
California. But after lawsuits and winner-take-all politics brought disaster
to the farms, the fish, and the fisheries, these stakeholders came together
to forge a consensus for the common good. 


Like the book, the River of Renewal film is rich with stories, information
and both historical and contemporary perspectives. It offers many answers,
but also some important questions.


Anticipating such questions, a discussion with River of Renewal author
Stephen Most will follow the film screening. In essence, this is a film that
asks: "Will the future witness the extinction of salmon in what was once
North America's third greatest salmon-producing river? Or will it bring the
restoration of the Klamath as a home for life?"



Erica Terence

ECONEWS editor

Northcoast Environmental Center

1465 G St. 

Arcata, CA 95521


office phone (707)822-6918

office fax (707)822-0827

erica at yournec.org


cell phone (206)214-6454



Byron Leydecker, JCT

Friends of Trinity River, Chair

PO Box 2327

Mill Valley, CA 94942-2327

415 383 4810

415 519 4810 cell

415 383 9562 fax

bwl3 at comcast.net

bleydecker at stanfordalumni.org (secondary)




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