[env-trinity] TAMWG agenda for June 9-10

Arnold Whitridge awhitridge at snowcrest.net
Tue Jun 3 09:03:49 PDT 2008

Here's the proposed agenda for the June 9-10 meeting of the Trinity Adaptive Management Working Group.  

Arnold Whitridge, TAMWG chair

Proposed Agenda  


Victorian Inn (large room), 1709 Main Street, Weaverville, CA 

June 9 and 10, 2008



         Time           Presentation, Discussion, and/or Action on:                                Presenter        


Monday, June 9

1.      1:00 pm        Adopt agenda; approve March minutes

2.       1:10             Open forum; public comment

3.       1:20             Steelhead goals, trends, and hatchery production                       Wade Sinnen, DFG                            

4.       2:30             Reservoir minimum pool and carryover storage policies           BOR Central Valley Operations 

                                                                                                                                        Office (invited)          


5.       4:00             Flow-related monitoring activities                                                Rod Wittler      

6.       4:30             Integrated Assessment Plan update                                            Rod Wittler      


          5:00             Adjourn for the day

Tuesday, June 10


7.       8:30             Designated Federal Officer topics                                               Randy Brown


8.       8:45             TRRP 2008 and 2009 budget update                                           Doug Schleusner


9.       9:15             Executive Director's Report                                                        Doug Schleusner


10.     9:45             CDR Situation Assessment; TRRP decisionmaking                  group discussion           


11.     11:45           Tentative date and agenda topics for next meeting


          12:00           Adjourn 


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