[env-trinity] Klamath River 2007 Salmon Age Composition Report and 2008 Stock Projection Reports Available

Tom Stokely tstokely at trinityalps.net
Wed Feb 27 19:20:15 PST 2008

The run size report for 2007 Klamath Fall Chinook and the 2008 Stock Projection Report, respectively, can be found at the Pacific Fisheries Management Council websites below.



What is interesting to note is that the 2007 fall chinook run on the Klamath-Trinity was larger than the 2007 fall chinook run on the Sacramento River.  It seems that the Sacramento River stocks are much more impacted than Klamath-Trinity stocks at this time.  Gee, I wonder why?

Tom Stokely
Principal Planner
Trinity Co. Planning/Natural Resources
PO Box 2819
60 Glen Rd.
Weaverville, CA 96093-2819
530-623-1351, Press 2-2-1
FAX 623-1353
tstokely at trinityalps.net or tstokely at trinitycounty.org
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