[env-trinity] FW: Revised TMC Agenda, Conf. Call Info, Handouts

tstokely at trinityalps.net tstokely at trinityalps.net
Tue Jan 8 16:58:26 PST 2008

Original Message:
From: Doug Schleusner DSCHLEUSNER at mp.usbr.gov
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2008 16:30:04 -0800
To: s1anders at blm.gov, Jim.Spear at ca.usda.gov, lchilton at ci.redding.ca.us,
bwl3 at comcast.net, LKHanson at dfg.ca.gov, MBerry at dfg.ca.gov,
srosekrans at environmentaldefense.org, sheywood at fs.fed.us, wbrock at fs.fed.us,
Joe_Polos at fws.gov, michael_long at fws.gov, director at hoopa-nsn.gov,
Hupafish at hoopa-nsn.gov, jrhartmann at impulse.net, AKRAUSE at mp.usbr.gov,
BGUTERMUTH at mp.usbr.gov, BPerson at mp.usbr.gov, DCLIFTON at mp.usbr.gov,
DGAEUMAN at mp.usbr.gov, DLJACKSON at mp.usbr.gov, DRECK at mp.usbr.gov,
DSCHLEUSNER at mp.usbr.gov, ESOLBOS at mp.usbr.gov, JKLOCHAK at mp.usbr.gov,
JRIESS at mp.usbr.gov, NHEMPHILL at mp.usbr.gov, PDAVEE at mp.usbr.gov,
RJWITTLER at mp.usbr.gov, esoderstrom at n-h-i.org, yen2fish at netzero.net,
irma.lagomarsino at noaa.gov, rick.rogers at noaa.gov, caltrout at sbcglobal.net,
awhitridge at snowcrest.net, hayden at snowcrest.net, rlorenz at snowcrest.net,
splash at snowcrest.net, tsh at snowcrest.net, sergebirk at starband.net,
pfrost at tcrcd.net, tstokely at trinityalps.net, rjaegel at trinitycounty.org,
splash at trinityriverrafting.com, connor at water.ca.gov,
dhillemeier at yuroktribe.nsn.us, srothert at americanrivers.org,
francis_berg at ca.blm.gov, ehadley at ci.redding.ca.us, STurek at dfg.ca.gov,
ahayden at environmentaldefense.org, leverest at fs.fed.us, smiller02 at fs.fed.us,
nick_hetrick at fws.gov, abbstock at gmail.com, fishwater at hoopa-nsn.gov,
Scott at mcbaintrush.com, margaret.tauzer at noaa.gov, joensuz at thegrid.net,
hfreeman at trinitycounty.org, jallen at trinitycounty.org, curtisa at water.ca.gov,
jeff at weavervilleinfo.com
Subject: Revised TMC Agenda, Conf. Call Info, Handouts

Good afternoon,

After 8 hours of uncertainty and a great deal of exercise in the art of
flexibility, this is to confirm that we are having a "blended" one day
TMC meeting tomorrow.  Several of the TMC Principals are already in town
and plan to spend the night here.  Others have informed me they plan to
drive up in the morning, while several others have understandably
requested conference call capabilities.

The call-in information is as follows:
Phone number: 1-888-282-0174
Pass code: 38545
Leader's Name: Scott Nolan (fyi - Call Center Manager who reserved

As of 3:00 p.m. today, chain controls are still on for Buckhorn, but
not for Oregon Mountain.  Forecasts call for diminishing precip this
evening and tomorrow, still with the possibility of snow showers above
4000 ft. and another (smaller/warmer) front possibly moving through on
Wednesday night.  Please check NWS and CalTrans websites for the latest
info tomorrow morning before deciding whether to make the trip to

For those of you unable to be present in person, I have attached the
handouts we are likely to be using.  There are quite a few, and I've
tried to attach at least most of them in the order they will occur in
the agenda.

Given the dispersed nature of the participants, and the compressed set
of agenda topics, Mike Long and I request your patience and an extra
effort to follow basic rules of conference call etiquette.  He will
probably be using the "round robin" approach that has been reasonably
successful in the past, where each TMC Principal will be given the
chance to make a statement.  Following that the Chair typically calls on
the TAMWG Chair, and then asks if any other participants would like to
speak.  This will be a challenge with some of the agenda topics, but I'm
confident that we will later view this meeting/call as having been
valuable and effective.

Thank you,


Douglas P. Schleusner, Executive Director
Trinity River Restoration Program
P.O. Box 1300, 1313 South Main St.
Weaverville, CA  96093
(530) 623-1800  Fax: (530) 623-5944
e-mail: dschleusner at mp.usbr.gov

mail2web.com – What can On Demand Business Solutions do for you?

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