[env-trinity] Information on Trinity River Restoration Program Fishery Goals

Tom Stokely tstokely at trinityalps.net
Mon Dec 17 10:10:13 PST 2007

The attached documents are related to fishery restoration goals for the Trinity River Restoration Program.  This will be a topic of discussion at the January Trinity Management Council meeting.   Included are the following:

1.  A Memo on TRRP Fishery Resources from the Fisheries Technical Appendix of the 1999 Mainstem Trinity River Fishery Restoration Draft EIS/EIR, which also has a page showing the TRRP's spawning escapement goals (from the 1999 DEIS/R) inserted at the beginning of this document.

2.  A Draft White Paper on the Issue of establishing numeric fish harvest goals for the TRRP.  The document was mostly prepared by George Kautsky of the Hoopa Valley Tribe, with some editing by me and others.

If there is anything else relevant to this issue that you think others should see, please post it to the list server, or send it to me for posting.


Tom Stokely
Principal Planner
Trinity Co. Planning/Natural Resources
PO Box 2819
60 Glen Rd.
Weaverville, CA 96093-2819
530-623-1351, Press 2-2-1
FAX 623-1353
tstokely at trinityalps.net or tstokely at trinitycounty.org
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