[env-trinity] Congressional Hearing on HR 2733

Byron Leydecker bwl3 at comcast.net
Thu Sep 20 11:06:10 PDT 2007

Below is the opening statement by Congressman George Miller at Tuesday's
Hearing on Congressman Mike Thompson's bill to provide a defined source and
dollar amount for Trinity River Restoration.  As many of you know, the
Restoration Program has been not been funded at the level anticipated by the
Record of Decision.  Congressman Miller has been instrumental in the past in
obtaining additional funding for the Program.  


Thomas Weseloh, FOTR board member and North Coast Manager for California
Trout, testified in support of the legislation at the Hearing.


"Thank you to Chairwoman Napolitano for holding the hearing, and thank you
to Mike Thompson for introducing the Trinity River Restoration Fund Act.

"I have been involved in the fight to restore the Trinity River and its
fisheries for many years. 

"Undoing the damage caused to the Trinity River by the Central Valley
Project has been a long and constant struggle, and the Trinity River
restoration program has faced bureaucratic, legal, and financial hurdles. 

"But the effort to restore the Trinity has been highly successful even in
the face of those challenges. That is good news for the fishing communities
of the North Coast, good news for the tribes who have a special connection
with the Trinity, and good news for the state of California.

"This bill will provide the required funding so that the restoration of the
Trinity River can proceed as it should. 

"We can - and we should - restore the fish and wildlife of the Trinity basin
as well as on the San Joaquin River, and I do not believe that the two noble
efforts are mutually exclusive.

"I strongly support this bill, and I look forward to the testimony."



Byron Leydecker

Friends of Trinity River, Chair

California Trout, Inc., Advisor

PO Box 2327

Mill Valley, CA 94942-2327

415 383 4810 

415 519 4810 cell

bwl3 at comcast.net

bleydecker at stanfordalumni.org






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