[env-trinity] Salmonid Restoration Federation

Byron Leydecker bwl3 at comcast.net
Thu Jul 12 11:56:57 PDT 2007

>From Heather Reese, Project Coordinator, Salmonid Restoration Federation:



I would like to let you know about two exciting SRF events that are
happening this summer. It would be wonderful if you could share this
information with your staff and any constituents or post it to your web site
or listserv. I have also attached articles and PSA about both events, for
your forwarding convenience. Thank you to those who have already helped
spread the word!


***First, this July 24 -27 we will have our Second Annual Spring-run Chinook
Symposium on the gorgeous and wild (Cal) Salmon River. The Symposium will
follow right on the heels of the annual Salmon River Spring-run Chinook and
Summer Steelhead Dives, and will be immediately followed by the Jammin' for
the Salmon music festival. Good times for all! We are thrilled to be
coordinating this event with the fun and dedicated folks at the Salmon River
Restoration Council and Mid-Klamath Watershed Council, who invest so much
energy into this important California watershed and its associated


Symposium PSA:

Salmon River Dives (July 24-25) and Spring-run Chinook Symposium (July

Nordheimer Campground, Salmon River, California 


Salmonid Restoration Federation is proud to join with the Salmon River
Restoration Council in offering the 2nd Annual Spring-run Chinook Symposium
in concert with the Salmon River Spring Chinook Dives. Please join us on the
beautiful Salmon River July 24-27 for training and dives, workshops, field
tours and presentations on challenges and tools specific to Spring-run
Chinook restoration in California, fish identification, snorkel surveys,
watershed education, life history investigations, limiting factors, FERC
relicensing, fish disease, and conservation management.  Renowned fisheries
biologist, Peter Moyle, will offer a presentation on Spring-run Chinook
recovery efforts. Stay Saturday July 28 for the Jammin' for the Salmon
benefit concert. 

For more information or to register, please contact SRF at (707)923-7501 or
srf at calsalmon.org. 




***Then, August 17-19 we are teaming with Trees Foundation, Mattole
Restoration Council, Mattole Salmon Group and Sanctuary Forest to produce
the 10th Annual Coho Confab in the lovely Mattole watershed where it all
began. The field tour, workshop and presenter line-up for this Confab are
out-standing! And as a bonus, sweet-voiced Joanne Rand and the Rhythm of the
Open Hearts Band will serenade all on Saturday evening. 


Confab PSA:

10th Annual Coho Confab August 17-19, 2007 in Petrolia, CA on the North


Salmonid Restoration Federation, Trees Foundation, Mattole Restoration
Council, Mattole Salmon Group and Sanctuary Forest will sponsor the 10th
annual Coho Confab August 17-19, 2007 in Petrolia on the North Coast of
California. The Confab is a symposium to explore watershed restoration and
learn techniques to enhance recovery of salmon and steelhead.  Workshops
include underwater fish identification, water flow monitoring, conservation
easements and stories and songs of salmon. Field tours include site visits
from the headwaters to the estuary of the Mattole watershed.


The Confab brings together community members, landowners, activists,
scientists, and restoration ecologists for a weekend of innovative
skills-building workshops, hands-on tours of restoration projects, community
networking, and fun. To learn more about this year's Confab or to inquire
about scholarship opportunities, please visit www.calsalmon.org
<http://www.calsalmon.org/>  or call SRF at (707) 923-7501.


We look forward to seeing you at these great events!!


Heather Reese

Project Coordinator

Salmonid Restoration Federation

PO Box 784

Redway, California 95560

(707) 923-7501

heather at calsalmon.org


Byron Leydecker

Friends of Trinity River, Chair

California Trout, Inc., Advisor

PO Box 2327

Mill Valley, CA 94942-2327

415 383 4810 

415 519 4810 cell

bwl3 at comcast.net

bleydecker at stanfordalumni.org






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