[env-trinity] Oak Woodland Planner's Workshop

Josh Allen jallen at trinitycounty.org
Tue Jun 26 13:46:38 PDT 2007

Oak Woodland Planner's Workshop 


August 9 , 2007
9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 
Redding, California 

Holiday Inn, 1900 Hilltop Drive 


This meeting will provide those involved, or interested, in planning
decisions in oak woodlands an opportunity to learn about new state laws
affecting oak woodland planning (AB 242 and SB 1334) and how to best
implement them. Showcased will be a relatively new publication by the
IHRMP, A Planner's Guide for Oak Woodlands which is designed to
facilitate a better understanding of the relationships between oak
biology, ecology and public policy. Its ultimate goal is to promote
sound planning decisions that will lead to the conservation of
California's oak woodlands and the myriad values they provide.

Featured will be presentations and discussions on SB 1334, which was
passed in 2004 and requires that if a county determines that there may
be a significant effect to oak woodlands from a project, then the county
shall require one or more of several mitigation alternatives.
Determining what constitutes a "significant effect" is not clearly
identified in the legislation, so we will discuss approaches for making
these determinations, as well as how to best choose appropriate

Topics to be Addressed:

	*	SB 1334 and AB 242 
	*	Population growth projections for the state and their
effects on natural resources
	*	Oak woodland planning in Santa Clara County
	*	The critical ecological values woodlands provide
	*	How conservation easements can help protect vital
resources in the foothills

Future Workshops: 

This is the fourth in a series of workshops to be held throughout the
state with a meeting planned for S. California.


While these meetings are targeted primarily at city and county planners
and their staffs, anyone interested in planning in oak woodlands,
including consultants, agency personnel, representatives from local
governments and environmental organizations, and the general public are
encouraged to attend. 


Registration fee is $25. Add $5 if postmarked after August 1. Fee
includes: morning refreshments, lunch, packet of course materials and A
Planner's Guide for Oak Woodlands book.


>From I-5, take exit 678 for Hilltop Dr/CA-44 toward Lassen Park for .3
Follow signs for Hilltop Drive.  Turn right onto Hilltop Drive and
travel .1 mile.  The 
Holiday Inn is on the right 


Registration Questions:
Sherry Cooper, 530-224-4902, slcooper at nature.berkeley.edu
<mailto:slcooper at nature.bekeley.edu> 
Greg Giusti, 707-463-4495, gagiusti at ucdavis.edu 




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