[env-trinity] Hoopa Valley Tribal Fisheries E-Mail is down for a couple of days

Tom Stokely tstokely at trinityalps.net
Wed May 30 10:03:07 PDT 2007

The Hoopa Valley Tribal Fisheries Department's e-mail system through pcweb.net is down for a couple of days until they can switch over to a new system.

If you have time-sensitive messages for their staff, you should either call the department at 530-625-4267, or fax them at 530-625-4995.  We will let you know when their e-mail is working again.


Tom Stokely
Principal Planner
Trinity Co. Planning/Natural Resources
PO Box 2819
60 Glen Rd.
Weaverville, CA 96093-2819
530-623-1351, Press 2-2-1
FAX 623-1353
tstokely at trinityalps.net or tstokely at trinitycounty.org
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