[env-trinity] Posting articles and information to the Trinity River List Serve

Josh Allen jallen at trinitycounty.org
Fri Apr 6 11:47:21 PDT 2007

Trinity River Enthusiasts, 


Please note that as a member of the list-serve, you can post anytime to
it at env-trinity at velocipede.dcn.davis.ca.us  


If the e-mail is 75kb or less, it will post automatically, since you are
a member. If it's over 75kb or has an attachment, I will need to
moderate it.


Also note that the e-mail address should only have the list-serve
address in the header because the system will bounce it back if it
contains any others. 


Please take note for future postings. Thanks for your consideration. 


Joshua Allen

Associate Planner

PO Box 2819

60 Glen Road

Weaverville, CA 96093

Phone: (530)623-1351 ext. 3411

Fax: (530)623-1353

E-mail: jallen at trinitycounty.org 




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