[env-trinity] Fw: August CRMP Meeting

Tom Stokely tstokely at trinityalps.net
Mon Jul 24 14:44:10 PDT 2006


From: Dan Westermeyer - TCRCD [mailto:dwestermeyer at tcrcd.net] 
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2006 5:06 PM

Subject: August CRMP Meeting


The next meeting of the Trinity River Watershed Group (CRMP) will be held on August 10th from 9:30-11:30 at the Trinity County PUD conference room. I will try and have an agenda developed and out to everyone by July 31st.  Currently slated for discussion will be the watershed boundary and the MOU.  If anyone has another item they would like to have placed on the agenda let me know before the 30th. 

Looking into the near future, in order to meet the timeline to have a public announcement placed in the RCD newsletter, I need to pick a date for the September meeting.  Due to previously scheduled meetings and events, it looks like the last week in September, possibly the 26th may be a good time. Please let me know if this will work for you.  The objective of this meeting will be to receive some input from the public at a large. We can discuss the best times for regular future meetings at the August meeting. 


I'm in the process of creating a "CRMP" email list, so if you received multiple postings or if you do not want to be on this list, please let me know. If someone else forwarded this email to you and you want to be on the list, please send your address to me and I will include you in the future.




Dan Westermeyer

Project Implementation Coordinator

Trinity County Resource Conservation District


530-623-6006 fax

dwestermeyer at tcrcd.net 
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