[env-trinity] FW: Continuation Notice of Proposed Changes in Klamath RiverSportfishing Regulations

Byron bwl3 at comcast.net
Fri Jun 9 14:58:53 PDT 2006

Hi Folks

Apparently there was a problem with the process of adopting some fishing 
regulations for the Trinity River including the trout season opener date 
change from the last Saturday in April to April 1. It was not officially 
adopted as part of the F&G Commission Klamath/Trinity package.

Fortunately, the F&G Commission will be addressing this issues as outlined 
in the attached documents. I have no reason to believe there will be any 
problem with adopting this change at their June 23 meeting. CalTrout is 
submitting a letter of support just in case.

Thanks for your continued support.


P.S. please circulate this to anyone I missed.

Thomas J. Weseloh
Northcoast Manager, California Trout
1976 Archer Rd.
McKinleyville, CA 95519
707 839-1056 phone
707 839-1054 fax
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "FGC" <FGC at fgc.ca.gov>
To: "FGC" <FGC at fgc.ca.gov>
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 12:20 PM
Subject: Continuation Notice of Proposed Changes in Klamath 
RiverSportfishing Regulations

You are receiving this message because you sent in comments on the proposed 
changes to the Klamath River sportfishing regulations.

Please see the attached letter, Notice, Pre-Adoption Statement of Reasons 
and proposed regulatory language.  (Note:  In converting the proposed 
regulatory language to PDF format, some of the double strikeout text appears

as single bold strikeout.  I apologize for any inconvenience this may 

If you prefer to receive this notice via Postal Service mail, please let me 

Sherrie Koell
California Fish and Game Commission

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