[env-trinity] Letter from DOI Approving TMC Recommended Flow Schedule

Josh Allen jallen at trinitycounty.org
Tue May 2 11:18:27 PDT 2006

Good morning,

I am pleased to forward the attached letter from Regional Director Kirk
Rodgers (Reclamation) and CNO Manager Steve Thompson (FWS) that approves
the TMC recommended flow schedule of April 14.  We will be updating our
website in the next several days to include the approved release
schedule and hydrograph (which you have already received), as well as a
graph of projected end-of-the-month reservoir levels throughout the
summer with associated boat ramp elevations.

Please note that while Interior's approval included the recommended
delay for opening of trout fishing season, Reclamation has had to
release higher flows in order to manage reservoir storage capacity.  As
a result, the following release changes have been implemented:
April 12:   300 cfs to 1000 cfs
April 17: 1000 cfs to 2000 cfs
April 24: 2000 cfs to 2500 cfs
April 28: 2500 cfs to 3000 cfs
May 2:    3000 cfs to 3500 cfs

As of Midnight May 1, the elevation of Trinity Reservoir is 6' below
the crest, with inflows of 10,000 cfs and total releases of 4,900 cfs
(including 1900 cfs through Clear Creek Tunnel and Carr Power Plant). 
According to the approved fishery restoration flow schedule we would
reach 4,000 cfs on May 20.  

Central Valley Operations staff are monitoring snow melt very closely
and making adjustments as needed, sometimes on a daily basis.  It
appears unlikely that the releases needed to manage reservoir storage
capacity will decrease in the near future, and could reach 4,000 cfs
prior to May 20.  We will continue to work closely with CVO, and will
keep the rest of you updated if circumstances change.

Thank you!


Douglas P. Schleusner, Executive Director
Trinity River Restoration Program
P.O. Box 1300, 1313 South Main St.
Weaverville, CA  96093
(530) 623-1800  Fax: (530) 623-5944
e-mail: dschleusner at mp.usbr.gov

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