[env-trinity] Trinity River Watershed Tour April 14

Tom Stokely tstokely at trinityalps.net
Wed Apr 12 15:03:44 PDT 2006

Dear Watershed Tour Participants:

Mama's Restaurant in Lewiston is now called the Mountain Valley Grill.  We
will still meet there at 10 am, rain or shine.  We hope to be able to use
the restaurant for a short briefing prior to the field tour.

We have no bus or large vehicle to tranport everybody, but we should have
room for those who don't have vehicles with high clearance.


Tom Stokely
Principal Planner
Trinity Co. Planning/Natural Resources
PO Box 2819
190 Glen Rd.
Weaverville, CA 96093-2819
530-623-1351, ext. 3407
FAX 623-1353
tstokely at trinityalps.net or tstokely at trinitycounty.org

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Stokely" <tstokely at trinityalps.net>
To: "Rod Wittler" <RJWITTLER at mp.usbr.gov>; <srothert at americanrivers.org>;
<fish472 at aol.com>; <JEHarp at aol.com>; <s1anders at blm.gov>;
<jim.spear at ca.usda.gov>; <mwalker at ci.redding.ca.us>;
<cblackburn at co.del-norte.ca.us>; <jgeist at co.humboldt.ca.us>;
<marmstrong at co.siskiyou.ca.us>; <bwl3 at comcast.net>;
<clair_stalnaker at cowisp.net>; <dbitts at cox.net>; <krushton at dfg.ca.gov>;
<mcurrier at dfg.ca.gov>; <mhampton at dfg.ca.gov>; <mrode at dfg.ca.gov>;
<NManji at dfg.ca.gov>; <pgarrison at dfg.ca.gov>; <sborok at dfg.ca.gov>;
<sturek at dfg.ca.gov>; <wsinnen at dfg.ca.gov>; <sethnaman at earthlink.net>;
<jkorman at ecometric.com>; <ahayden at environmentaldefense.org>;
<srosekrans at environmentaldefense.org>; <mmerig at forestry.umt.edu>;
<dashton at fs.fed.us>; <hwelsh at fs.fed.us>; <leverest at fs.fed.us>;
<pboland at fs.fed.us>; <sherri_miller at fs.fed.us>; <sheywood at fs.fed.us>;
<wbrock at fs.fed.us>; <anthony_heacock at fws.gov>; <bill_pinnix at fws.gov>;
<charles_chamberlain at fws.gov>; <Jamie_Bettaso at fws.gov>; <Joe_Polos at fws.gov>;
<john_engbring at fws.gov>; <Ken_Nichols at fws.gov>; <Mark_Magneson at fws.gov>;
<michael_long at fws.gov>; <nick_hetrick at fws.gov>; <paul_zedonis at fws.gov>;
<phillip_detrich at fws.gov>; <randy_brown at fws.gov>; <Scott_Foott at fws.gov>;
<tom_a_shaw at fws.gov>; <vina_frye at fws.gov>; <graham at gmahydrology.com>;
<wes at gmahydrology.com>; <abbstock at hotmail.com>; <cjralph at humboldt1.com>;
<jrhartmann at impulse.net>; <tsoto at karuk.us>;
<allen.foreman at klamathtribes.com>; <bill at mcbaintrush.com>;
<john at mcbaintrush.com>; <scott at mcbaintrush.com>; "Brian Person"
<BPerson.2SO100.ibr2dm30 at mp.usbr.gov>; "Christine Karas"
<CKARAS.2KPO100.ibr2dm11 at mp.usbr.gov>; "Cecil Lesley"
<CLESLEY.2KPO100.ibr2dm11 at mp.usbr.gov>; "Deanna Jackson"
<DLJACKSON.2WE100.ibr2dm30 at mp.usbr.gov>; "Priscilla Henson"
<PHENSON.2WE100.ibr2dm30 at mp.usbr.gov>; "Russell Smith"
<RPSMITH.2SO100.ibr2dm30 at mp.usbr.gov>; <esoderstrom at n-h-i.org>;
<yen2fish at netzero.net>; <Chuck.Glasgow at noaa.gov>;
<irma.lagomarsino at noaa.gov>; <Margaret.Tauzer at noaa.gov>;
<rick.rogers at noaa.gov>; <naypooie at northcoast.com>; <marine at nsrnet.com>;
<uncapher at nsrnet.com>; <director at pcweb.net>; <fishwater at pcweb.net>;
<hupafish at pcweb.net>; <karukdnr at pcweb.net>; <mdeblasi at pcweb.net>;
<ppetros at pcweb.net>; <klamr at rb1.swrcb.ca.gov>; <caltrout at sbcglobal.net>;
<awhitridge at snowcrest.net>; <hayden at snowcrest.net>;
<mbelchik at snowcrest.net>; <rlorenz at snowcrest.net>; <splash at snowcrest.net>;
<tsh at snowcrest.net>; <pbrucker at srrc.org>; <sergebirk at starband.net>;
<curt.melcher at state.or.us>; <pfrost at tcrcd.net>; <joensuz at thegrid.net>;
<dklein at tnc.org>; <hfreeman at trinitycounty.org>; <jallen at trinitycounty.org>;
<rjaegel at trinitycounty.org>; <splash at trinityriverrafting.com>;
<strange at u.washington.edu>; <eandrews at usgs.gov>; <mary_ann_madej at usgs.gov>;
<Wilkinson.fishery at verizon.net>; <connor at water.ca.gov>;
<curtisa at water.ca.gov>; <kennedys at water.ca.gov>; <jeff at weavervilleinfo.com>;
"env-trinity" <env-trinity at mailman.dcn.org>; <tcrac at bonanza.tcoek12.org>;
<steven_anderson at ca.blm.gov>; "Francis Berg" <Francis_Berg at ca.blm.gov>;
"John Knight" <John.Knight at fire.ca.gov>; "Steve Gasaway"
<Steve.gasaway at fire.ca.gov>
Cc: "Mark Lancaster" <mlancaster at trinitycounty.org>; "Christine Jordan"
<cjordan at trinitycounty.org>; "Larry Layton" <llayton at trinitycounty.org>;
"John Jelicich" <jjelicich at trinitycounty.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 5:13 PM
Subject: Trinity River Watershed Tour April 14

> The Natural Resources Division of the Trinity County Planning Department
> organizing a watershed tour of the Lewiston and Douglas City area on April
> 14, 2006.  Everyone and anyone is invited to attend.  The purpose of the
> tour is to show existing and proposed watershed restoration work.  The
> tour guide will be Trinity County Principal Planner Mark Lancaster from
> Five Counties Salmonid Conservation Program.
> We will meet at 10 am at Mama's Restaurant in Lewiston on Trinity Dam
> We will be touring roads in the Deadwood Creek watershed, the Lowden Burn
> area (Lewiston Fire), Browns Mountain Road (a Trinity County road which
> cross many of those smaller tributaries such as Trinity House Gulch that
> out a lot of sediment this year), then driving through Weaverville and
> China Gulch Road (another Trinity County road which has had work performed
> on it), then back to Lewiston.
> The route will allow everybody to avoid the Highway 299 construction at
> Rocky Point between Weaverville and Douglas City.  I have heard that waits
> are up to 30 minutes.  For those who are heading to Lewiston from
> Weaverville or areas west, such as Humboldt County, you can drive up
> 3 north of Weaverville to Rush Cr. Road and take that to Lewiston.  You
> be able to avoid traffic delays on Hwy 299, and the travel time is
> about the same as Hwy 299 (without construction).
> Please be sure to bring a lunch, water and sturdy boots. If you plan on
> driving your own vehicle, please be aware that Browns Mountain Road is
> muddy and low clearance vehicles are NOT advised.
> Please let me know if you are attending and if you need transportation so
> that we can plan the appropriate amount of transportation.
> Sincerely,
> Tom Stokely
> Principal Planner
> Trinity Co. Planning/Natural Resources
> PO Box 2819
> 190 Glen Rd.
> Weaverville, CA 96093-2819
> 530-623-1351, ext. 3407
> FAX 623-1353
> tstokely at trinityalps.net or tstokely at trinitycounty.org

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