[env-trinity] Monday's Delta fish hearing

Byron bwl3 at comcast.net
Thu Mar 2 09:59:28 PST 2006

I'm writing to thank you all for your involvement in the congressional
hearing held in Stockon on Monday.

The attendance in the hall was excellent, and we were greeted by more than a
dozen people holding "pro-fish" signs. It was a great showing, and on behalf
of myself and Congressman Miller, thank you very much for helping us
demonstrate that so many people care about the Delta.

I also wanted to make sure you saw the attached news articles. I think the
coverage of the hearing was largely pretty good, though it was too bad that
so many of the reporters emphasized the unknowns, rather than curious fact
that the state and federal agencies aren't really taking responsibility for
their actions' impact on California's fisheries. The hearing itself didn't
reveal very much beyond what we already know, so we will need to stay active
if the threats to the Bay-Delta system are going to be addressed.

I figured you'd be especially interested in the first Tracy Press story
about the importance of the fishing community in this debate.

Enjoy the articles; feel free to distribute to anyone I might have missed. 

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or ideas, and thank you
again for all your help. 


Ben Miller 
Legislative Assistant 
Rep. George Miller (D-CA) 
2205 Rayburn House Office Building 
Washington DC 20515
(202) 225-2095 
Fax: (202) 225-5609 
 <http://www.house.gov/georgemiller/> http://www.house.gov/georgemiller/ 


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