[env-trinity] Indian Creek Rehabilitation Project CEQA Notice of Preparation for an Environmental Impact Report

Josh Allen jallen at trinitycounty.org
Fri Jan 20 11:56:33 PST 2006

Attached for your review is a copy of the Indian Creek Rehabilitation
Project CEQA Notice of Preparation (NOP) for an Environmental Impact
Report, Project Maps, and a Comment Form. The NOP is available for
review and comment for period of thirty (30) days from January 20 to
February 21, 2006. The Project description is as follows:


"The Trinity River ROD channel rehabilitation component focuses
attention on the need to physically manipulate the bank and floodplain
features of the Trinity River between River Mile 112.0 (Lewiston Dam)
and River Mile 72.4 (North Fork Trinity River). The channel
reconstruction is intended to restore the Trinity River's historic
alternate point bar morphology and habitat complexity to improve fishery
resources. The Indian Creek Rehabilitation Project: Trinity River Mile
93.7 to 96.5 (Project) is the third channel rehabilitation project
already built or in the planning stages that will work together to
enhance river processes and to increase fisheries habitat downstream of
Lewiston Dam. This project has no specific flood control objectives. The
project purpose and need is to provide increased juvenile salmonid
rearing habitat on the mainstem Trinity River, and to reduce flow
impacts to homes and other human improvements located adjacent to the
Trinity River, from implementation of ROD flows."


If you have an interest in this project and would like to comment on the
NOP, please use the Comment Form provide as an attachment entitled
"Misc_NOP-IC-RFC.pdf" which is an Acrobat Form that can be fill out
electronically, printed, and signed. Then send in your comment form to
the address provided below. 


If you are a Responsible & Trustee Agency or a Stakeholder, you have
already been sent an official copy for your review and comment, and it
will arrive in the mail shortly. 


Thank you for your consideration in this matter. 


Joshua Allen

Assistant Planner

Trinity County Planning Department

Natural Resources Division

PO Box 2819

Weaverville, CA 96093

(530)623-1351 ext. 3411

(530)623-1358 fax

jallen at trinitycounty.org <mailto:jallen at trinitycounty.org> 

jwa7 at humboldt.edu <mailto:jwa7 at humboldt.edu>  (secondary)


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