[env-trinity] Trinity/Lewiston Dam Releases to Increase

Byron bwl3 at comcast.net
Wed Jan 11 11:27:20 PST 2006

Project: Lewiston Dam - Trinity River Release


  Date         Time         From         To

1/12/05        0600       2500 cfs      3000 cfs

1/12/05        0800       3000 cfs      3500 cfs

1/12/05        1000       3500 cfs      4000 cfs

1/12/05        1200       4000 cfs      5000 cfs

1/12/05        1400       5000 cfs      6000 cfs


Issued By: Central Valley Operations

Comment:  Manage storage to Safety of Dams seasonal targets.


Byron Leydecker

Chair, Friends of Trinity River

Advisor, California Trout, Inc

PO Box 2327

Mill Valley, CA 94942-2327

415 383 4810 ph

415 383 9562 fx

bwl3 at comcast.net

bleydecker at stanfordalumni.org





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